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Massimo Pennazio edited this page Jan 26, 2020 · 13 revisions

Why you did it?

Once I built my first musical instrument with an Arduino (the light theremin), I was hooked. I’ve been making ever since...

Together, we can create a future where aspiring musicians don’t have to pay thousands of dollars to make music. We both understand that it’s fundamentally unfair to place a markup on creativity...

Marc St Pierre (Aida DSP project's fan)

We all think music is one of the most popular forms of art. To produce music you need hardware: let it be an instrument or an amplifier, you buy it, start to use it, study it, and then you came out with your own creative interpretation.

Today too many vendors produce music related gear and customers are targeted by all type of marketing techniques.

I think instead the best of all instruments is the one you've built. :)

I've found this statement to be very true in many situations: you do well with tools you know well. What kind of audio gear you know better than the one you've built by yourself?

It may sound a bit extreme, but today many people in music industry build their custom audio gear. If you know your instrument, you can use it better, that means in a creative way, in a way no one other will use it. Art is also a matter of being different, irreplaceable.

Aida DSP Arduino Shield is and electronic board capable of processing audio with professional quality, and it's opensource. At the time of writing, this is the reference audio platform for the Aida DSP project's users, which can share projects and applications, as well as learn the art of sound processing.

We want to turn musicians and audio engineers in makers.

Re-evolution of audio technology has just begun! ;)

The Aida DSP Team


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