Cloning of Urban Company website. We are a team of 3. We have tried to create a clone of a well known on demand service provider call Urban Company. For more details Click here
Urban Company is an Indian gig marketplace that offers home installation, maintenance and repair services, and home beauty and wellness services. We have focused on the AC services section.
We tried to implement a few of these pages
- Home/Index Page - Aleem Alam
- AC Service Page - Jagrati Panchal
- All the service booking models - Mangesh Landge
- material-ui
- react-icon
- framer-motion
- firebase
- react
- react-dom
- axios
- framer-motion
- pure-react-carousel
- react-elastic-carousel
- react-modal
- react-icons
- react-redux
- react-spinners
- react-router-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
- redux
- redux-thunk
- styled-components
- uuid
- React
- Redux
- Styled Components
- Heroku
- User lands on "Home page"
- User clicks on login/Signup enter mobile number and otp
- User will lands on home page as a registered user
- User can Select live location using GPS from Location input.
- User can serch services as per requirement or user can select services(we have worked on Ac service).
- In service page user will find more details about services, technician, Customer review, blogs, About service
- User need to select specifieied service from this page.
- Afer selecting service in modal service will pop-up.
- From the modal user can add services in to cart.
- After adding services to cart user should agree the safety T&C.
- After this user can view cart from here user can modify quantity of service and also he/she can add some frequently asked services to cart as per suggestions.
- After user should provide his/her location.
- After this user can choose date and time as per availability.
- After selecting schedule user can choose payment mode and complete this process.
- For this project
- Click on Code once the respective repo is created
- On your terminal enter the following commands:
git clone <https link>
cd Urban-Company
npm i
npm start