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COMS 4156 Service: 100-of-100

Maven build and test CodeQL codecov

GitHub repository for service of the Team Project associated with COMS 4156 Advanced Software Engineering. Our team name is 100-of-100 and our members are: Sophie Yifei Luo, Phoebe Kerui Wang, Alex Jiakai Xu and Tony Xintong Yu.

Please use the following link to view the repository relevant to the app: 100-of-100-client.

[User] Endpoints Documentation

GET /getDeptInfo

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • Returns the information of the specified department.
    • Sample output:
         "ID": 2,
         "Name": "Marketing",
         "Employees": [1, 4, 5],
         "Representation": "Department: Marketing (ID: 2) Head: ABC (ID: 1)"
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with the department details in the response body.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

GET /getEmpInfo

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • Returns the information of the specified employee.
    • Sample output:
         "ID": 1,
         "Name": "ABC",
         "HireDate": "2024-11-11T15:35:28.755+00:00",
         "Salary": 100,
         "Position": "SoftwareEngineer",
         "Representation": "Employee: ABC (ID: 1) Hired at: Mon Nov 11 10:35:28 EST 2024"
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with the employee details in the response body.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

GET /getOrgInfo

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • Returns the information of the organization associated with the client.
    • Sample output:
         "ID": 1,
         "Name": "Organization One",
         "Departments": [1, 2, 9],
         "Representation": "Organization: Organization One (ID: 1)",
         "Structure": "- Organization: Organization One\n  - Department: ..."
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with the organization details in the response body.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Organization Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

GET /statDeptBudget

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • Returns the budget (employees' salary) statistics of the specified department.
    • Sample output:
         "Total": 100000,
         "Average": 25000.07,
         "Highest": 30000.5,
         "HighestEmployee": 2,
         "Lowest": 10000.3,
         "LowestEmployee": 4
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with the budget statistics in the response body.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

GET /statDeptPerf

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • Returns the performance statistics of the specified department.
    • Sample output:
         "Highest": 100.0,
         "75thPercentile": 90.0,
         "Median": 80.0,
         "25thPercentile": 70.0,
         "Lowest": 0.0,
         "Average": 68.0,
         "SortedEmployeeIds": [4, 2, 3, 1]
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with the performance statistics in the response body.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

GET /statDeptPos

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • Returns the statistics of the positions in the specified department.
    • Sample output:
         "SoftwareEngineer": 2,
         "ProductManager": 1,
         "DataScientist": 1,
         "SalesManager": 0,
         "HumanResourceManager": 0,
         "FinancialManager": 0,
         "Other": 0
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with the statistics in the response body.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned if any unexpected error occurs.

PATCH /setDeptHead

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID (new head).
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating that the department head was successfully updated.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned indicating the head of the department is set.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department or Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

PATCH /setEmpPerf

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID.
    • performance (double) - The new performance of the employee.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating that the employee's performance was successfully updated.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned indicating the performance of the employee is set.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned if any unexpected error occurs.

PATCH /setEmpPos

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID.
    • position (string) - The new position of the employee.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating that the employee's position was successfully updated.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned indicating the position of the employee is set.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned if any unexpected error occurs.

PATCH /setEmpSalary

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID.
    • salary (double) - The new salary of the employee.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating that the employee's salary was successfully updated.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned indicating the salary of the employee is set.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned if any unexpected error occurs.

PATCH /updateEmpInfo

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID.
    • position (string) - (Optional) The new position of the employee.
    • salary (double) - (Optional) The new salary of the employee.
    • performance (double) - (Optional) The new performance of the employee.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating that the employee's information was successfully updated.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned indicating the information of the employee is updated.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned if any unexpected error occurs.

POST /addEmpToDept

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
    • name (String) - The name of the employee.
    • hireDate (String) - The hire date of the employee in the format "yyyy-MM-dd".
    • position (String) - (Optional) The position of the employee.
    • salary (double) - (Optional) The salary of the employee.
    • performance (double) - (Optional) The performance of the employee.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating the employee has been added to the department.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 201 Status Code is returned with a success message.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

POST /register

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • name (string) - The name of the organization.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating the organization has been registered.
    • Sample output:
       "status": "success",
       "message": "Organization AdvSE created",
       "token": "****",
       "apikey": "************"
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 201 Status Code is returned with a success message.
      • Please note that your unique apikey are sensitive information and will only be shown once upon registration.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 400 Status Code is returned if the organization name is invalid.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned if any unexpected error occurs.

DELETE /removeEmpFromDept

  • Expected Input Parameters:
    • cid (string) - The encrypted client ID.
    • did (int) - The department ID.
    • eid (int) - The employee ID.
  • Expected Output:
    • A success message indicating the employee has been removed from the department.
  • Upon Success:
    • HTTP 200 Status Code is returned with a success message.
  • Upon Failure:
    • HTTP 404 Status Code is returned with "Department or Employee Not Found" in the response body.
    • HTTP 500 Status Code is returned with "An unexpected error has occurred" in the response body.

[Developer] Development Notice

Service Design

At the beginning of the development of our services, we first carried out a careful design, in which we focus on the adoption of the following design patterns to decompose the modules, making it easier to extend and maintain the code in the future.

Here's a reference UML diagram of our service to show the overall architecture and design patterns we've mentioned below. Note that this is not a class diagram generated entirely from code, this is just our service's architecture design, so the method signatures and attributes may not be accurate. Architecture Diagram

Command Pattern

Instead of directly calling the service methods from the Springboot routes, we use the command pattern to encapsulate the detailed service logic into command objects. This way, we satisfy the Single Responsibility Principle, the route handler only needs to focus on the request and response, and the command object is responsible for implementing the different service logic (Freeman 208).

Composite Pattern

We use the composite pattern to organize the Organization, Department, and Employee hierarchy. This way, we satisfy the Open-Closed Principle, we can traverse the organization structure uniformly, and easily add new types of entities (Freeman 364).

Singleton Pattern

In order to ensure that the database connection is only created once, and to improve its reliability under high concurrency, we use the singleton pattern to make sure database connection only has one instance and provide a global access point to it (Freeman 179).

Strategy Pattern

To decouple the database implementation details from our service logic, we designed the HrDatabaseFacade to use the Strategy Pattern. Instead of directly integrating specific database connections, the facade holds a reference to a generic DatabaseConnection interface. At runtime, we inject a concrete implementation, such as MysqlConnection or InmemConnection, into it. This design allows us to switch between different database strategies without altering the core service logic, making the system extensible and adhering to the Open-Closed Principle (Freeman 24).

Facade Pattern

Given the inherent complexity that comes with databases, to ensure the Law of Demeter, we use the facade pattern to encapsulate the database operations. This way, the service logic does not need to know the details of the database operations, and the database operations can be easily replaced in the test and in the future (Freeman 272).

Chain of Responsibility Pattern

To streamline request processing and separate concerns across different stages, we utilize the Chain of Responsibility pattern in our middleware layer. This approach allows us to create a chain of middleware components, each with a unique responsibility, that sequentially handle incoming requests. For instance, our first middleware logs every incoming request and outgoing response, fulfilling logging and monitoring needs. The second middleware decodes the cid parameter, so our core service logic remains isolated from specific decoding algorithms. By following the Chain of Responsibility pattern, we ensure that each middleware component can independently address its task, and new functionality can be added or modified easily without affecting existing logic (Freeman 623).

Running Test Suite

Our unit tests are located under directory src/test. After setting up and building the project, run

mvn test

You may also run the tests by right click any class in src/test directory and run to see the results if you are using IntelliJ IDEA as IDE.

Integration Testing Strategy

We categorize the integration testing for our service into two main types:

  1. Internal Integration Tests: Verify interactions between core application classes.
  2. External Integration Tests: Verify interactions with external resources, like the real MySQL database.

Each test method includes detailed documentation on the integration points in its docstring.

Internal Integration Tests

These tests focus on the interactions between core classes such as Employee, Department, Organization, HrDatabaseFacade, and DatabaseConnection.

  • Class Interactions: Ensure methods involving multiple classes function correctly.
  • Mocking: Use mock objects for DatabaseConnection to isolate tests from external dependencies.
  • Singleton Management: Manage singleton instances to ensure test isolation.

External Integration Tests

These tests focus on how the HR system interacts with external resources, specifically the MySQL database.

  • Data Interaction and Verification: Ensure CRUD operations are successful and the data stays persistently in the database.
  • Transactional Testing: Use transactions to maintain database integrity during tests.

API Tests Documentation

We run our system level / API tests using Postman. In our tests, we verify:

  1. All endpoints work properly and the endpoints return status code as expected.
  2. Multiple clients can access the endpoints concurrently and the service can tell them apart.

To run the API tests on the local computer, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the latest version of Postman
  2. Download the PostmanTests.json file under /postman
  3. Open Postman. Then click import on the upper-left corner.
  4. Drag the PostmanTests.json file to the box to create the test suite in Postman
  5. Click "run" on the upper-right corner to run the test suite.

We also run the API test suite confirming proper returning of HTTP status codes and content types in RealRouteControllerTest and RouteControllerTest, which are ran during Continuous Integration as well.

Style Checking Report

In order to make sure the code is following the style guide, we use Maven Checkstyle plugin. To run the checkstyle report, run the following command:

mvn checkstyle:check

One of the latest checkstyle report is located at ./checkstyle.out file. CheckStyle Report

Static Analysis

GitHub CodeQL Analysis CI

We use GitHub CodeQL to perform static analysis on our code. The CodeQL CI is run automatically on every PR to the main branch. The CodeQL analysis badge is displayed at the top of this README file.

PMD Static Analysis Report

We use PMD to perform static analysis on our code. To generate the static analysis report, you need to install the PMD tool as documented in I1. Then run the following command:

pmd check -d src/main -R rulesets/java/quickstart.xml -f text

The static analysis report is located at ./pmdcheck.out file. We have solved amost all the static bugs found by PMD, but there are still some static bugs remaining. According to the assignment requirements,

If static bugs remain at the time of submission you must document these and explain why they remain.

We document the reasons for the remaining static bugs here:

  1. AvoidUsingVolatile: category/java/multithreading/AvoidUsingVolatile - According to the PMD description, the use of volatile is discouraged because it is difficult to use correctly, and requires a good expertise of the Java Memory Model. However, we consulted both the official publication (Freeman 184) and the professor recommended website,, and found that the use of volatile is a good way to ensure the multi-threading safety of the singleton pattern and follows the "double-checked locking" mechanism. Therefore, we decided to keep the volatile keyword in our singleton pattern implementation.
  2. UseUtilityClass: category/java/design/UseUtilityClass - We understand the PMD rule suggests that utility classes should be final and have a private constructor to prevent instantiation. However, in our case, ServiceApplication class is a Springboot special class that is used to start the Springboot application. It is not a utility class. If it is made non-instantiable, the Springboot will reports "IllegalState ApplicationContext failure" error. Therefore, we decided to keep the ServiceApplication class as it is.
  3. UnusedPrivateMethod: category/java/bestpractices/UnusedPrivateMethod - This is false positive. After checking the code, we confirmed that the methods are used in the project, but PMD does not recognize it. For example, the errorResponse() was used in handleItemNotFoundException(), handleForbiddenException() and etc. The throwBadRequestException() was used in testBadRequestException(). The throwForbiddenException() was used in testForbiddenException(), and so on.

Branch Coverage Report

Codecov CI

We use GitHub Codecov to generate the branch coverage report. The Codecov CI is run automatically on every PR to the main branch. The Codecov badge is displayed at the top of this README file. As a code quality management tool, we also set up the coverage policy to ensure that at each PR, the overall coverage does not decrease by more than 5%, and the changed code is covered by at least 75%, otherwise the PR will not be approved by Codecov automatically. Codecov Graphs

JaCoCo Branch Coverage Report

We use JaCoCo Maven plugin to generate the branch coverage report. To generate the report, first make sure you have run the test suite. Then run the following command:

mvn jacoco:report

The report is located at ./target/site/jacoco/index.html file.

Currently, the branch coverage is at 86% for the service. Branch Coverage

Tool Used

Maven, JUnit, JaCoCo, Maven Checkstyle, PMD, Codecov GitHub Action, AWS RDS, IntelliJ IDEA, DataGrip.

[Ops] Deployment instructions

Building and Running a Local Instance

In order to build and use the service of the project, you must install the following:

  1. Maven 3.9.5 Download and follow the installation instructions. Set the bin as a new path variable for both Windows and MacOS.
  2. JDK 17 used for development.
  3. IntelliJ IDE Or use other IDE of your preference.

In order to build the project, run under ./100of100Service directory:

mvn -B package --file pom.xml


mvn clean install

To run the application, please use:

mvn spring-boot:run

Running Cloud Service

To reach our service using cloud computing, please follow the steps below:

  1. When running tests in Postman point them to:
  2. If the home/index page displays "Welcome, in order to make an API call direct your browser or Postman to an endpoint," then the service is operational and connection is successful.
  3. Test the endpoints by passing the endpoint name and parameters via Postman or some other tools. For example:

[Team] Teamwork and Collaboration

Project Management

We use GitHub Projects to manage our tasks and progress. In the GitHub Projects, we use Kanban board to manage our tasks. We have columns for To Do, In Progress, and Done to keep track of the progress of each task. We also use the GitHub Issues to create tasks and assign them to team members. We use the GitHub Pull Requests to review the code and merge the code into the main branch.

PR Review Process

We enforce the PR review process to ensure the quality of the code. All changes in the main branch must be made through a pull request. The pull request must be reviewed by at least one team member and make sure all the discussions are resolved before merging. Also, all the CIs described above must be passed, which include but are not limited to Maven Build to ensure that the code is free of compilation and dependency issues; CodeQL to ensure that the code is of static quality; Maven Test to ensure that newly added changes do not affect the expected performance; and Codecov to ensure that coverage does not fall below a threshold and fluctuates only within a given range.

Division of Work

Although the GitHub Projects documents all the tasks done or led by each team member, as per the assignment requirements, we also briefly summarize the general division of work here (please refer to the GitHub Projects for more details):

  • Yifei Luo: Responsible for the service's database design, implementation, and its deployment. Also lead the architecture and development of the client-side application.
  • Phoebe Wang: Responsible for the service's API design, service implementation, testing, and external documentation. Also lead the integration of the service with the client-side application.
  • Jiakai Xu: Responsible for the initial project and CIs setup, overall architecture design and implementation, continuous development, code quality management, and the internal documentation.
  • Xintong Yu: Responsible for the interface integration between service and database, the service implementation, testing, and the deployment of the service.

(names are in alphabetical order)

Works Cited:

  • Freeman, Eric, et al. Head First Design Patterns. O’Reilly, 2014.