Release Notes - Apps Development Framework - Version 2.2.0
- [ADF-2204] - Docker hub missing documentation
- [ADF-2228] - I18n support and example documentation
- [ADF-2248] - Docker hub usage demo shell article
- [ADF-2262] - Review of theming docs
- [ADF-1532] - Inconsistent assignee selection view in StartTaskComponent (ng2-activiti-tasklist)
- [ADF-1925] - Add new Datetime form widget to ADF
- [ADF-2064] - Provide support for lazy loading
- [ADF-2123] - Process Pagination - There is no way to paginate the result
- [ADF-2197] - 'Process Heat map' is not showing the proper informations related to the dropdown.
- [ADF-2232] - [Metadata Component] Configuration driven by node-type
- [ADF-2249] - Add schema check in generator app
- [ADF-2259] - Expose the "sorting changed" event from DocumentList and DataTable
- [ADF-2296] - Background color on form buttons
- [ADF-2297] - App-list - The component shows "No Apps found" until all the apps are loaded
- [ADF-2312] - Sites Dropdown component - default select option
- [ADF-2317] - Design update for searching within the Destination Picker
- [ADF-2326] - Process List - Provide a way to support custom html template and static columns at same time
- [ADF-1412] - File Viewer - Documents
- [ADF-1416] - File Viewer - Images
- [ADF-1418] - File Viewer - Next/Previous File
- [ADF-2137] - Document Thumbnail Pane
- [ADF-2138] - Getting transformations of images
- [ADF-2206] - Document Zoom and Browser Full Screen
- [ADF-1899] - ProcessService.deleteProcessInstanceVariable has incorrect method signature
- [ADF-2000] - Destination picker is not completely translated
- [ADF-2026] - Breadcrumb displays wrong path after reloading the page.
- [ADF-2077] - [Destination picker] User should not be able to copy / move items into a site outside of the documentLibrary
- [ADF-2118] - Process Initiator should be able to complete a task.
- [ADF-2124] - Should be able to login with security.csrf.disabled=false
- [ADF-2139] - Not possible to hide "remember me" on Login
- [ADF-2169] - [Destination picker] Dialog does not match design
- [ADF-2171] - [Destination picker] Copy / Move buttons are always enabled
- [ADF-2175] - Document List requests are executed twice when opening the copy/move dialog
- [ADF-2176] - CLONE - [Destination picker] File Libraries are not displayed
- [ADF-2187] - 'Involve people' into task component don't have the proper color in dark themes
- [ADF-2199] - Visibility of items dependent on a radio button list not showing on completed tasks
- [ADF-2215] - Comments are not ordered by 'Created by' column
- [ADF-2225] - [Form component] In a task form the complete button stays disabled if hidden mandatory fields are emptyIn a task form the complete button stays disabled if hidden mandatory fields are empty
- [ADF-2231] - Moment.js library needs to be updated to fix security issues
- [ADF-2233] - Could not import ContentMetadataService in 2.1 version
- [ADF-2235] - User names and icons are not being retrieved if user has a profile picture.
- [ADF-2242] - Search on custom sources is not working.
- [ADF-2243] - Translation is missing for the 'Extended Search'.
- [ADF-2246] - [Destination Picker] The selection from the dropdown is ignored after 'Clear' action
- [ADF-2251] - ContentWidgetModule is not exposed from ADF
- [ADF-2254] - Viewer does not update top menu on "fileNodeId" changes
- [ADF-2255] - SelectBox field does not render the data in ADF form
- [ADF-2260] - Action menu translation is missing when right clicking on a file/folder
- [ADF-2263] - Translation is missing on delete warning messages when user has no permission.
- [ADF-2264] - [Destination picker] File Libraries visibility column is not displayed
- [ADF-2265] - UserPreferences service does not return "defaultValue" for missing keys
- [ADF-2288] - [JS-API] - Auth2 use the formParam instead of queryParam
- [ADF-2289] - Login - Provider AUTH0
- [ADF-2290] - PDF Viewer - scroll event dispatch outside view container
- [ADF-2301] - [Datatable] event.preventDefault()
- [ADF-2302] - Generator install dependencies missing
- [ADF-2305] - Process app tiles on process workspace landing page show "..." in Firefox
- [ADF-2310] - Error is thrown if isSelectionValid optional property is not defined
- [ADF-2311] - Content Metadata Card component does not work for folder node.
- [ADF-2324] - Process Pagination - Items per page is not saved on user preferences
- [ADF-2329] - Start Task form elements are not properly aligned in other themes than Developer Theme
- [ADF-2338] - Close 'X' button for Document Thumbnail Pane is not displayed
- [ADF-2342] - Password can be retrieved from the login component
- [ADF-2343] - [Demo shell] Not able to create a new folder on content services page
- [ADF-2344] - Drag and drop image is not properly displayed on Process Services
- [ADF-2346] - Name and profile picture is not displayed when trying to assign a user to a task.
- [ADF-2350] - [Demo shell] Recent Files component image is not properly displayed when DocumentList is empty
- [ADF-2351] - [Gallery view] 'Sort by' drop-down option has an empty option that can be selected
New Feature
- [ADF-2161] - Content action download folder
- [ADF-2163] - content-action target folder and file option
- [ADF-2298] - Process Header - Make it customizable from config file
- [ADF-2300] - [Upload Widget] Actions menu is needed
- [ADF-2304] - Add option to Content Node Selector to transform the breadcrumb folder node
- [ADF-2316] - Upgrade to ngx-translate/core 9.1.1
- [ADF-2322] - [Document List] Card view
- [ADF-2340] - [Delete directive] delete permanent form trashcan
- [ADF-2352] - It should be possible to project toolbar buttons for the Viewer
- [ADF-1876] - Add the possibility to have a custom "No result found" template for search component
- [ADF-1952] - Split the current test suites to test cases in Test Rail
- [ADF-2085] - [Test Automation] create test for starting a task
- [ADF-2087] - [Test Automation] Create test to cover starting a process
- [ADF-2089] - [Test Automation] create test to cover tag component
- [ADF-2134] - Create a schema.json for app.config.json
- [ADF-2147] - Breaking changes check
- [ADF-2149] - Remove comments from the dist ng-pkg
- [ADF-2159] - Update angular-cli to last version
- [ADF-2211] - Task Header - Make it customizable from config file
- [ADF-2212] - Task List - Improve the pagination using the interface
- [ADF-2229] - Refactoring viewer tests
- [ADF-2236] - Export test
- [ADF-2245] - Setting Component - Emit an event to detect the changed url
- [ADF-2261] - Missing documentation to render json in a form component
- [ADF-2267] - [Login Component] Password field autocomplete
- [ADF-2293] - Ripristinate the loading in the generator/ demo shell
- [ADF-2307] - Add a data-automation-id tag for Process Services navigation bar.
- [ADF-2354] - Paginator Component - Add an unique id to the overlay menu