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Live JS is our new mode for java script developers
In Live JS you can see your code preview as you type and it instantly run
For Some Reasons We Removed Home Page Tips And Tricks
Added a menu at the top of the screen in normal mode
When you press the theme button in the top bar a menu will appear and you can choose your desired theme
You can on and off the text wrapping option from the top bar
Added 4 cursor style (Ace/Slim/Smooth/Wide) to normal mode which are accesible from the top bar
Now you can choose your desired font size from the top bar
The auto complete and the pop up snippets can now get turned off via the top bar
Now the cursor is very more smoooth than the last time and better phase animation
In normal modes when a line come to an end wrap to the next line
From now in normal mode you can see a pop up which show you code snippets and autocompletion
We Removed All The V1.0 Modes And Added 3 Modes
This mode is the only mode which HTML, CSS and JavaScript are in different text area
This mode have all Quake features
This mode is very similar to normal mode but dont have the gutter
We added syntax highlighting finally and now most of modes support monokai syntax
A gutter is now in the left area of the screen in normal mode which show the line numbers