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Infrastructure Plan

Aleksander Heintz edited this page Nov 12, 2024 · 1 revision

Meeting notes 2024-11-12

Discussed plans for new infrastructure:

  • we wish to move all infrastructure except for the pods/daemonsets currently running in the platform cluster to the new azure subscriptions in the short term
    • this includes (but is not limited to):
      • postgres flex server
      • key vaults
      • application insights/logg workspaces
    • this requires that the new infrastructure (databases, key-vaults, etc.) is reachable from the old cluster
  • we wish to consolidate all compute resources running outside the platform cluster to be of a single type (either container apps or Deployments in a cluster) in the medium term
    • the decision on whether to go for AKS and use kubernetes directly, or use container apps hinges on whether or not the platform team can manage AKS maintainance for us
  • we plan to make all new deployables using the strategy decided on in the previous point - the first one out is metadata-api
  • we REQUIRE that all of the components (BOTH infrastructure AND application versions) are deployable from github pipelines
    • we have a strong preference for a deployment scheme where we can know in a pipeline when the deployment is complete (and if it failed) such that for instance E2E tests can be run and the deployment can be rolled back if required.
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