Chop-Chop is an accelerator for Consensus primitivies developed by the Distributed Computing Laboratory at EPFL. This forked version of Chop-Chop adds support for EVM. Note: BlockChop uses a forked version of the Zebra library.
A basic version of the contract to be deployed is provided in the repo with the file Consensus.sol
Please note that the current implementation uses a function named submitTest
with an array of uint8 as payload and expects a newSubmission
event that carries as well an array of uint8.
The system can by started using the launch_system.zsh
script. It takes the following arguments in order: number of servers, number of clients,
number of load brokers, number of honest brokers, number of load clients, number of honest clients, flag whether to use the blockchain (true) or the loopback reference (false).
The script need to be modified in the variable addr
with the following info, comma separated: address to which the the Consensus contract has been deployed, address of the account that will be used be used by the node to make the transactions, IPC address of the local node.
After testing, the system can be terminated with the script terminate_system.zsh