- Serenity: Test automation framework that integrates with Cucumber for behavior-driven development (BDD).
- Cucumber: BDD tool for writing acceptance tests in a human-readable format.
- Appium: Open-source tool for automating mobile applications.
- Java: Programming language used for test implementation.
- Gradle: Build tool used to manage dependencies and build the project.
- Other Dependencies: Add any other significant dependencies or tools used.
The project structure is organized as follows:
|-- .gitignore
|-- README.md
|-- build.gradle
|-- gradlew
|-- gradlew.bat
|-- serenity.properties
|-- src
-- test
|-- java
| -- com
| -- andrest
| |-- runners
| | |-- AcceptanceTestSuite.java
| |-- steps
| | |-- ParameterDefinitions.java
| | |-- RegisterStepDefinitions.java
| | |-- SearchMovieStepDefinitions.java
| |-- targets
| | |-- BillboardTargets.java
| | |-- BillingDataTargets.java
| | |-- LocationTargets.java
| | |-- RegisterTargets.java
| |-- tasks
| | |-- BillingForm.java
| | |-- LoginForm.java
| | |-- RegisterForm.java
| | |-- SelectCity.java
| | |-- SelectMovie.java
| | |-- SelectCreditCardSaved.java
| |-- utils
| |-- ScrollUtils.java
| |-- Constants.java
| |-- Wait.java
|-- resources
|-- features
| |-- create_booking.feature
| |-- create_user.feature
Follow these steps to set up and run the project:
Clone Repository:
Install Dependencies:
./gradlew install
Run Appium server: You need to have appium installed in your local machine and then run in your terminal
Run Tests:
./gradlew clean test
Add any additional steps or configurations required to run the project.
- Page Object Model
- Screenplay Pattern
- Andrés Tapiero