App Description
in day to day life we eat almost same things. But whenever we want to prepare something special, for an occasion of when we are alone, we want to make the best out of the ingredients we have. Although we can find various recipes from books, they often require another visit to the market. The problem is that there is no convenient application that can find recipes according to the ingredients we I came up with an idea to create an android mobile application and my app will help to find recipes.
What the app does
Using SMARTCHEF we can find recipes by using three categories. Courses, Cuisines and Recipes. in course section we can find recipes and get directions according to Course.(eg. Breakfast, Dinner) In Cuisines section we can find recipes and get directions using cuisines.(eg. American food, Asian food) In recipe section you can add ingredients you have and app will suggest suitable recipes also you can go for random recipes. According to that sections you can get amount of ingredients and directions. in all three sections you can get cooking method before you go to the direction . and also app will give nutritional information according to selected recipe.
APIs used
Pearson kitchen Manager API
What have you currently implemented
UI design Data handling parts are done for for all three sections.