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Summary of usage of GitHub Actions and the related tool act by nektos. Describes a fix for running Arduino compile-sketches workflow with act.


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GitHub Actions and act

Check Markdown Links

I use GitHub Actions workflows to run automated builds, tests, and checks on my repositories.

I develop and test my workflows before pushing them to GitHub with the act tool created by GitHub user nektos.

GitHub Actions

This section documents some conventions I use with my actions, along with examples of workflows that I use across my repos. See GitHub's comprehensive documentation for more details on action terminology and workflow syntax.

GitHub Reusable Workflows

GitHub Actions have a feature called reusable workflows which essentially allows one workflow to call another workflow. This makes it convenient to have a "base" workflow (referred to as a "called workflow") in a central location that does most of the work, and a per-repository workflow (referred to as a "caller workflow") which configures the settings needed to run the base workflow.

Taking advantage of reusable workflows becomes especially useful when you need to make a change to the functionality of an action that is used in multiple repos (like when I had to fix the issue with act as described below). Instead of having to make the change in every repo which uses the action, all that needs to change is the single base workflow. See .github/workflows for the reusable workflows that my repos call.

Workflow Structure

Trigger on workflow_dispatch

I have a workflow_dispatch trigger (including an optional input string) on all my workflows so that I can trigger them manually from the repo Actions screen:

        description: Message to display in job summary
        required: false
        type: string

Matrix Strategy

For any workflow that can trigger multiple job runs based on different combinations of variables (e.g., compiling across multiple platforms), I use a matrix strategy. Even if the repo only needs to be compiled for one platform, I still use a matrix strategy for consistency with my other repos and my reusable workflows.

Example for compiling arduino sketches across multiple platforms:

          - arch: avr
            fqbn: 'arduino:avr:uno'
            platform-name: 'arduino:avr'
            platform-sourceurl: ''
          - arch: msp-G2
            fqbn: 'energia:msp430:MSP-EXP430G2553LP'
            platform-name: 'energia:msp430'
            platform-sourceurl: ''
          - arch: msp-G2-gcc9
            fqbn: 'energia:msp430gcc9:MSP-EXP430G2553LP'
            platform-name: 'energia:msp430gcc9'
            platform-sourceurl: ''
          - arch: msp-F5529
            fqbn: 'energia:msp430:MSP-EXP430F5529LP'
            platform-name: 'energia:msp430'
            platform-sourceurl: ''
          - arch: msp432
            fqbn: 'energia:msp432:MSP-EXP432P401R'
            platform-name: 'energia:msp432'
            platform-sourceurl: ''
          - arch: tivac
            fqbn: 'energia:tivac:EK-TM4C123GXL'
            platform-name: 'energia:tivac'
            platform-sourceurl: ''
          - arch: esp8266
            fqbn: 'esp8266:esp8266:thing'
            platform-name: 'esp8266:esp8266'
            platform-sourceurl: ''

For triggering builds on multiple repos which are dependent on a library:

          - name: Trigger build on <Repo Name>
            repo: <Repo name>

Workflow Examples

I have several template workflows available in my .github repository:

  • arduino-compile-sketches

    • Arduino compile-sketches workflow with matrix build definitions for various hardware platforms.
    • Update the matrix list as needed for the repo being compiled.
  • check-links

    • Checks for dead links in Markdown files using the lychee tool. Automatically runs once a month.
  • arduino-lint

    • Used with libraries published to the Arduino library manager to validate that they conform to the Arduino Library Spec rules.

    • This workflow as written does not work with act because it requires the GITHUB_TOKEN secret which act does not supply by default. This could be fixed with a little extra code and some local setup, but I don't find this necessary because the arduino-lint tool can be easily run directly from the command line:

      arduino-lint --verbose --compliance strict --library-manager update 
  • markdownlint

    • Used to validate "clean" markdown code.
    • Note that you also need to create a file named markdownlintconfig.json
    • I typically do not run this as an action, but instead use the related VSCode extension to check my Markdown code.
  • build-dependent-repos.

    • Automatically trigger a compile-sketches action on repos that depend on a library that I updated.
    • This also uses a matrix strategy to define the list of repos that are triggered.

The act Tool for Testing Workflows Locally

act uses Docker or Podman with customized images to create a local environment similar to the environment used by GitHub Actions. The default act image is intentionally incomplete to keep its size manageable. While it works well for many actions, there are issues that arise since the environments are not quite the same.

Python Installation Error When Running compile-sketches Action

You may see the following error when running the compile-sketches job:

::error::rm: cannot remove '/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.11.2': Directory not empty

This only seems to happen when a new cache is being configured on the first run of matrix builds where one matrix run may be populating the cache at the same time a parallel matrix run is trying to access the cache.

To fix this, delete the relevant cache:

rm -r ~/.cache/act/actions-setup-python@v5   

And then run act with a single matrix job before running the full matrix. For example:

act --matrix arch:msp432

While a new action cache architecture has been implemented in act, it does not appear to fix this particular race condition, but you can also try it if the problem persists:

act --use-new-action-cache

arduino-compile-sketches Action

Release v1.1.0 of the compile-sketches action changed the Python and related tools configuration to make the action incompatible with the default act image (catthehacker/ubuntu:act-latest).

In particular, the following messages will be appear in the act output when trying to use compile-sketches v1.1.0 and the ubuntu:act-latest image, and the job will fail:

| installing poetry from spec 'poetry==1.4.0'...
| ⚠️  File exists at
|     /root/.local/bin/poetry and points
|     to /root/.local/venv/bin/poetry,
|     not /root/.local/pipx/venvs/poetry
|     /bin/poetry. Not modifying.
|   installed package poetry 1.4.0, installed using Python 3.11.2
|     - poetry (symlink missing or pointing to unexpected location)
| done! ✨ 🌟 ✨

Fixing the compile-sketches Errors

To fix this problems, /root/.local/bin needs to be added to the shell's PATH so that the poetry executable can be found:

    steps:                           # Existing code
      - uses: actions/checkout@main  # Existing code
# *** Add the code below ***
      - name: Update PATH if using nektos/act locally
        if: ${{ env.ACT }}
        run: |
          echo "/root/.local/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

By checking for the environment variable env.ACT first, the PATH update step is only run when using act.

Note that versions of the ubuntu:act-latest image published before 18-Sep-2023 have additional issues, but the latest published version only requires the above change (see 61 and 74).

Timeout and Rate-limiting Errors

When using act, I occasionally run into timeout and rate-limiting errors that aren't specific to the actions themselves. These errors can generally be cleared by waiting a few minutes and then re-running the action.

Examples of the errors:

Downloading index: package_index.tar.bz2 Get "": dial tcp: lookup on read udp> i/o timeout
arduino:[email protected] read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
Error during install: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer
Error: Error response from daemon: Head "": Get "": context deadline exceeded
::error::API rate limit exceeded for (But here's the good news: Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the documentation for more details.)
-  ::error::API rate limit exceeded

GitHub Actions Extension for VSCode and act Environment Variables

The GitHub Actions extension for VSCode does not recognize the env.ACT variable and flags an issue in the Problems window when you open an action YAML file for editing:

Context access might be invalid: ACT

This is documented in several issues (67, 61, 47) and there does not appear to be a plan to fix it. Some issue comments claim that it is fixed, but it is not.

While the basic issue is slightly annoying, a more annoying aspect is that the message does not go away when you close the editor window. This causes the Problems window to become cluttered with the messages. The only way to clear the messages after closing the file editor is to disable/enable the extension or quit and restart VSCode.

act Caching Reusable Workflows

The act tool caches external repos (i.e., GitHub repos that aren't the current repo under test). This can create issues when debugging reusable workflows. If you push a change to a reusable workflow stored in another repo, act will use a cached version of the workflow without the updates. This can make it appear that a fix didn't work even though it should have.

I work around this by deleting the cache directory any time I update the reusable workflows. The default cache location is ~/.cache/act. My reusable workflows are stored in my .github repo on the main branch, so I run the following to delete the cache:

rm -rf ~/.cache/act/Andy4495-.github@main

This may be related to one of these issues: 1785, 1912, 1913. However, the new action cache implemented in act does not appear to fix this issue. Also, see act issue 2419.

Docker Setup With Windows WSL

When running act under Windows WSL, you may see an error similar to the following:

Could not get auth config from docker config: error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-desktop.exe": executable file not found in $PATH, out: ''

This can be fixed by updating the file (within WSL) ~/.docker/config.json and changing credsStore to credStore. You may need to restart Docker for this change to take effect.

Using Podman Instead of Docker on Linux

While Docker Desktop is easy to install and update on MacOS and Windows, it is another matter trying to get it to work on Linux. I use Ubuntu, but the complications are common to all flavors of Linux.

Installing Docker Desktop (or just Docker Engine) requires a multi-step process, not a simple apt install docker. Upgrading to a newer version also requires a separate download and install and cannot be done directly from the app. Making matters worse is that Docker Desktop does not work with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS (despite a comment to the contrary). Maybe it works now, but I have given up on going through the pain of installing only to find out it doesn't work.

I therefore recommend using Podman as your containerization tool on Linux. To install Podman on Ubuntu, run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install podman

To configure act to use Podman, run the following steps after installing Podman:

sudo systemctl disable --now podman.socket

Run the following as the user that will be running act; do not sudo:

systemctl enable --now --user podman podman.socket 

And finally, set the DOCKER_HOST environment variable. This would normally done in your shell startup file (e.g. ~/.bashrc), but could also be done manually before you run act:

export DOCKER_HOST=unix:///run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock

The file path may be different on your system. You can find the correct path by running podman info and looking at the remoteSocket value. Be sure to prepend the file path with unix://.

I have found that Podman executes actions a little slower than Docker. It is still quite usable, and probably wouldn't be noticed if I didn't have experience running the actions in Docker. This slower execution is likely caused by the overhead of running in userspace instead of the kernel (rootless mode) and from the pasta network driver.

Ubuntu 24.04 WiFi Issues

I have run into a fairly repeatable issue with Ubuntu completely freezing (cursor stops moving, reboot required to clear the issue) when running act. This issue happens with both Podman and Docker. I only see the problem when using WiFi; when connected to ethernet (WiFi disabled), I cannot reproduce the issue.

I have only seen the issue with my compile-sketches action. By default, this action runs a matrix build with two or more containers running in parallel, although I have seen the problem less frequently when forcing the action to run a single matrix entry (with the --matrix) option, so that only a single container is running.

This problem appears to be specific to Ubuntu 24.04; I have not seen it on similarly configured laptop running Ubuntu 22.04.

At this point, the only thing I can recommend is to run matrix builds one at a time, by manually specifying the matrix combination using the --matrix option. For example, when running compile-sketches on my SWI2C library, run the following commands:

act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:avr
act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:msp
act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:msp432
act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:tivac
act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:stm32
act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:esp8266
act -j compile-sketches --use-new-action-cache --matrix arch:esp32

Matrix Strategy Issue with act

This issue has been fixed with the release of act version 0.2.54. More details can be found here.



The software and other files in this repository are released under what is commonly called the MIT License. See the file LICENSE.txt in this repository.


Summary of usage of GitHub Actions and the related tool act by nektos. Describes a fix for running Arduino compile-sketches workflow with act.








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