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Great Frontend JS question list

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JavaScript Interview Questions

  1. Implement a function that serializes a JavaScript value into a JSON string.
  2. Implement a function that performs a deep copy of a value, but also handles circular references.
  3. Implement a function that determines if two values are deep equal.
  4. Implement the functionality behavior of Promise.any.
  5. Implement the functionality behavior of Promise.allSettled.
  6. Implement a function that returns a memoized version of a function which accepts a single argument.
  7. Implement a function that deserializes a JSON string into a JavaScript value.
  8. Implement a class that can subscribe to and emit events that trigger attached callback functions.
  9. Implement a debounce function that comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations.
  10. Implement a function that recursively flattens an array into a single level deep.
  11. Implement a promisify function that allows the original function to override the return value.
  12. Implement a function to execute N async tasks in series.
  13. Implement a function to execute N async tasks in parallel.
  14. Implement a function to execute N async tasks in a race.
  15. Implement a pipe function which chains N number of functions.
  16. Implement negative indexing in an Array using Proxies.
  17. Implement Lodash's _.get method which gets a value from the path.
  18. Implement your custom version of the call method which sets the “this” context.
  19. Implement throttling of promises which throttles API requests to a max limit.
  20. Implement memoizing or caching identical API requests.
  21. Implement a curried function with placeholder support.
  22. Implement a custom polyfill version of Object.assign.
  23. Implement custom Virtual DOM I which serializes the data into valid JavaScript objects.
  24. Implement custom Virtual DOM II which deserializes the data.
  25. Implement a custom polyfill function memoize from the Lodash library.
  26. Implement a custom String Tokenizer.
  27. Implement a custom function _chunk() which chunks arrays like in Lodash Library.
  28. Implement the polyfills for the call, apply, and bind methods from scratch.
  29. Implement a throttle function that comes with a cancel method to cancel delayed invocations.
  30. Write a custom polyfill for the typeof operator which returns the correct typeof for a JavaScript value.

React.js Interview Questions

  1. How does React's reconciliation algorithm (Fiber) work for efficient rendering?
  2. Explain the difference between useState and useReducer hooks in complex state management.
  3. What is the purpose of React.memo and when should you use it?
  4. How does the virtual DOM differ from the real DOM, and why is it faster?
  5. What is the significance of keys in React lists, and how do they affect rendering?
  6. Explain the concept of React’s Concurrent Mode and how it improves UI responsiveness.
  7. How do React hooks like useEffect prevent unnecessary re-renders and performance issues?
  8. What is the purpose of Context API in React, and how does it avoid prop drilling?
  9. How do you implement code-splitting and lazy loading in React with React.lazy and Suspense?
  10. What are React fragments and why are they used over div containers?
  11. Explain the difference between controlled and uncontrolled components in React forms.
  12. How would you prevent unnecessary component updates using shouldComponentUpdate or React.PureComponent?
  13. Describe the role of useRef and how it differs from createRef in class components.
  14. What is the purpose of forwardRef in React, and how is it used to pass refs to child components?
  15. How does React handle asynchronous rendering, and what is its impact on user experience?
  16. Explain how to handle memory leaks and clean up effects in React using useEffect hooks.
  17. How do you optimize performance in large React applications using tools like React Profiler?
  18. How does React's error boundary feature work, and what are its limitations?
  19. What is useCallback and useMemo, and how do they help in performance optimization?
  20. How would you handle deep updates in nested state using React without causing performance bottlenecks?

Performance related question

  • If we are dealing with a user-intensive application, it's good to use lazy loading techniques for better performance.
  • To prevent blocking of the UI thread, we should consider using Web Workers. Remember about its drawbacks.
  • For responsive design, consider using a mobile-first approach with media queries.
  • If the system requires a complex UI with a lot of user interaction, consider using a frontend framework like React, Angular, or Vue.
  • If you need to handle and maintain the state of the application efficiently, consider using state management libraries like Redux or Mobx.
  • To make the website accessible, ensure proper use of ARIA attributes and semantic HTML.
  • If the application requires real-time data updates, consider using Websockets or Server-Sent Events.
  • If the system requires seamless navigation between different parts of the application, consider using client-side routing.
  • For optimizing large lists or tables in the UI, consider using techniques like windowing.
  • To deal with form validation and data collection, consider using libraries like Formik or react-hook-form.
  • If the system has a component-based architecture, ensure proper component composition.
  • If the system needs to store data in the client-side, we should consider using Cookies, Local Storage, or IndexedDB based on the use case.
  • To reduce the initial load time of the application, implement code splitting.
  • If the application needs to work offline, implement a service worker and build a Progressive Web App (PWA).
  • For efficient error handling, use a centralized error handling system.
  • When dealing with APIs, consider using GraphQL for efficient data retrieval.
  • If the system requires frequent style changes based on props, consider CSS-in-JS libraries.
  • If the system has multiple similar components, consider using higher-order components or render props for code reusability.
  • If the system needs to be SEO-friendly, implement server-side rendering (SSR) or pre-rendering.
  • For large scale applications, use a monorepo structure for easy package management.
  • When dealing with asynchronous data, consider using Promises or async/await for better code readability and error handling.
  • For handling complex animations, consider using libraries like Framer Motion or React Spring.
  • If the application needs to support multiple themes, consider context API and CSS variables.
  • If the application needs to support internationalization, consider libraries like i18next.
  • To ensure the performance of the application, make sure to use the browser's Performance API.
  • For testing components and business logic, consider using libraries like Jest and React Testing Library.
  • To enforce code style and prevent bugs, consider using linters and formatters like ESLint and Prettier.
  • To ensure your frontend is accessible to all users, you should follow WCAG guidelines and use tools for checking accessibility compliance.
  • For maintaining code quality and enforcing coding standards, use static type checkers like TypeScript and linters such as ESLint.
  • Consider implementing state management libraries like Redux or Context API for predictable state management in complex applications with many components
  • If your application deals with real-time data, consider using WebSockets or libraries such as Socket.IO for real-time, bidirectional communication between the client and the server.
  • For managing side effects in your application, libraries like Redux-Thunk or Redux-Saga can be considered.
  • If your application requires routing, libraries like React-Router can help manage different views for your app.


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