New Features
- Heroic tag now shows on ALL items which originally had the line in Wrath. This is enabled by default.
- Item level can now be shown on equippable items. It also shows on tokens (up to Uluar so far) which reflects the level of items provided. This is enabled by default.
- "Will receive enchantment" lines on items in trade window now appear in the regular enchantment location. Why does Blizzard want to put them in between the gems and the socket bonus?
- Level requirement "Max Level" option now checks that both your character is max level, and the item requires max level. Both are necessary for the line to be hidden.
- Cache can now be disabled. This feature increases performance, but can increase the frequency of tooltips loading incorrectly. This is disabled by default.
- Version number is more visible in options, and available with /zt version.