This repository contains code for hosting a minimal quote generator website that displays a new quote every 10 seconds. The quotes are fetched from the quotable API.
To run this project locally, you will need Python 3 and Streamlit. You can install Streamlit using the following command:
pip install streamlit
You can then clone this repository using:
git clone
Navigate to the repository directory by:
cd Unlimited-Quotes-Generator
📜 The following Python libraries are required to run the application:
You can install all these dependencies by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, Run the following command to start the Streamlit app 🚀
streamlit run
Once the Streamlit app is running, a random quote will be displayed along with its author. The quote will change every 10 seconds.
The app also features a background image, which can be customized by changing the image URL in the main()
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🚀 Telegram : AnukarOP
Project Link:
This project uses the quotable API, which is a free, open-source API for quotes. || Created by AnukarOP
Thanks for Your Attention, Towards My Repositroy😃