This whole project, the IdleCorp Profit Profit, founded by me, has been formally completely archived by 2024/10/12 (UTC). For more details, you may head to the main repository.
There are some files related to the IdleCorp Profit project
The folders include the files which RARs are containing for the individual version. The release note:
IdleCorp Calculated Profit Releasted Note IdleCorp origanal version--Released IdleCorp V1.1--Not Released IdleCorp V1.2--Released IdleCorp V1.3--Released IdleCorp V1.3.1--Released IdleCorp V1.3.2--Released IdleCorp V1.4.0--Released IdleCorp V1.5.0--Released
For the Terms, these terms are available while you are using the service (including Discord Server).
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