This tool is the combination of multiples tools made by sparda to generate images for themes, embedding images in zfb files and much more (See tools section).
You can follow the progress of this tool in the SF200 discord channel.
Sparda friends list (aka developers that made some progress or modify the tools made by sparda): Q_ta, Desoxyn and me (AnxoNueve)
- ZFB generator - TODO explanation of the tool
- Game list updater - TODO explanation of the tool
- Theme image generator - TODO explanation of the tool
- Menu image generator - TODO explanation of the tool
- Game cover generator - TODO explanation of the tool
- python == 3.12
- pip == 24.0 (Any version should actually works)
- git (Optional)
Download or clone this repository:
git clone
Create a virtual env with Python 3.12.3
python3.12 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
Install the libraries
pip install -r /sf2000_theme_tool/requirements.txt
List of features to do:
HP - (High priority) / LP (Low priority)
- Add ZFB generator - HP
- Add game list updater - HP
- Add theme image generator - HP
- Add menu image generator - HP
- Add game cover generator - HP
- Make executables for the different OS - LP