Build a personal portfolio and blog website using Next.js. This project will help you learn dynamic routing, API integration, authentication, state management, and deployment in a fun and practical way.
- Display your portfolio introduction (name, bio, and profile picture).
- Showcase your skills using icons or a skill bar.
- Highlight featured projects (static or fetched from an API).
- resume download button
- List of projects with images, descriptions, and links.
- Clicking on a project opens a detailed page (/projects/[id]).
- Display a list of blogs (fetched from an API or JSON file).
- Clicking on a blog opens a detailed blog page (/blog/[id]).
- Simple contact form (name, email, message).
- Save messages in local storage or a database.
- Social login using Next Auth.
- Only authenticated users can access the dashboard.
- Create, read, edit, or delete blog posts.
- Form with related fields like title, content, image, and category.
- CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for projects.
- Upload project image, title, live link, descriptions, etc.
- View messages submitted from the contact form.
- Next.js with TypeScript.
- Use Tailwind CSS for styling or any kind of UI library or framework.
- Implement dynamic routes (/projects/[id], /blog/[id]).
- Create a simple backend using Node/Express to manage Blog, Project, and other essential data.
- Backend API can be accessible publicly.
- MongoDB.
- Social login using Next Auth.
- Deploy the website on Vercel.
- Store projects and blogs in MongoDB
- Use Next.js API routes (/api/...). (optional) 💡
- Add a dark mode toggle.
- Use Markdown for blog content. (optional)💡
- Implement server-side rendering (SSR) for better SEO.
- Use SSR, SSG, and metadata based on the use case.
- Add animations using Framer Motion or any other animation library.
- ✅ GitHub Repository with a well-documented
- ✅ Live Deployment Link (Vercel).
- ✅ Demo Video (3-5 minutes) explaining the features.
- 60 marks: February 11, 2025 11.59 PM
- 50 marks: February 12, 2025 11.59 PM
- 30 marks: After February 12
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