Test Task for ios candidates
Write the application that allows the users to play a sound of nature and record audio when the sound is finished playing. You should provide your solution as a link to public repository on any git hosting service you prefer: GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket. Please make commits of logical units, so we can evaluate your progress and add comments as you see fit.
!!! All Third-party Frameworks are restricted. Including SwiftLint, RxSwift, Swinject & so on !!! Please, use ONLY Apple provider frameworks !!! Highly welcome are SwiftUI, Combine
Application should consists of one or two screens. On the main screen the users see state of the application: idle, playing, recording, paused; two controls that allow the users to choose duration of sleep timer in minutes and the recording duration; and the play/pause button.
The users set desired parameters, tap play button and application starts playing the sound of a nature during sleep timer duration in a loop. When the sound is finished, application starts recording audio. When recording time is finished, the application should transit back to idle state. The recording should start in background mode as well, after the sound of nature is completed.
Tapping on play/pause should start the entire flow or pause playing or recording.
Everything should work in background as well. If the playing or recording is interrupted by another application using audio session, try to restore application state gracefully.
You should provide a way to switch off playing the sound of nature completely.
Audio records should be put in user Documents folder and be available via iTunes file sharing.
- provide a way to switch off recording
- write tests
Here is an example how application might look like, but the final decision is up to you.
If something is unclear, feel free to ask any question to your contacting HR