To run the example project, clone the repo, and run MainAbilitySlice
- inside dependencies of the build.gradle of entry module, use the following code
dependencies {
//consume library
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.har'])
Sync project and now you can use bubbleicontabbar library
### Manual
Add `TabBubbleAnimator` content of res package to your project
## Usage
Add TabLayout to your xml
ohos:weight ="1"
Create adapter in your AbilitySlice, add some Component and set PageSlider adapter
TabLayoutv2 tabLayout;
private String[] titles = new String[]{"Home", "Clock", "Folder", "Menu"};
private int[] colors = new int[]{ResourceTable.Color_home, ResourceTable.Color_clock, ResourceTable.Color_folder, ResourceTable.Color_menu};
private Context context;
private ComponentContainer rootLayout;
private PageSlider mPager;
private PageViewAdapter pageViewAdapter;
private TabBubbleAnimator tabBubbleAnimator;
private List<PageInfo> mPageViews;
protected void onStart(Intent intent) {
rootLayout = (ComponentContainer)LayoutScatter.getInstance(this)
.parse(ResourceTable.Layout_ability_main, null, false);
tabLayout = (TabLayoutv2)rootLayout.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_tablayout);
mPager = (PageSlider) ResUtil.findComponentById(rootLayout, ResourceTable.Id_slider).get();
mPageViews = new ArrayList();
mPageViews.add(new TabComponent(this, titles[0], colors[0]));
mPageViews.add(new TabComponent(this, titles[1], colors[1]));
mPageViews.add(new TabComponent(this, titles[2], colors[2]));
mPageViews.add(new TabComponent(this, titles[3], colors[3]));
pageViewAdapter = new PageViewAdapter(this, mPageViews);
Setup your TabLayout with ViewPager
tabLayout = (TabLayoutv2)rootLayout.findComponentById(ResourceTable.Id_tablayout);
tabLayout.setupWithPageSlider( mPager);
Create TabBubbleAnimator and tabItem as title, image id and color for each fragment
tabBubbleAnimator = new TabBubbleAnimator(tabLayout);
tabBubbleAnimator.addTabItem(titles[0], ResourceTable.Graphic_ic_grid, colors[0]);
tabBubbleAnimator.addTabItem(titles[1], ResourceTable.Graphic_ic_clock,colors[1]);
tabBubbleAnimator.addTabItem(titles[2], ResourceTable.Graphic_ic_folder, colors[2]);
tabBubbleAnimator.addTabItem(titles[3], ResourceTable.Graphic_ic_menu, colors[3]);
Call highlightTab() for 0 position and add tabBubbleAnimator as OnPageChangeListener to ViewPager
mPager.addPageChangedListener( tabBubbleAnimator);
## iOS
Similar library [BubbleTabBar]( by [Cuberto](
## Author
Cuberto Design, [email protected]
## License
BubbleTabBar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.