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The Apteco PowerShell Modules allow you to extend your current Apteco Marketing Stack with more customisation. For example here is fully featured Framework to create your own channels for Orbit and PeopleStage. Other modules in here are helpful in working with your data.

All modules are targeted to be published on PowerShell Gallery. So Installation is much easier than copy&paste.

Those are the already published packages, but more are in the pipeline:

Name Type Repository/Version Platform Downloads
AptecoPSFramework Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
ConvertStrings Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
ConvertUnixTimestamp Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
EncryptCredential Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
ExtendFunction Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
InvokeWebRequestUTF8 Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
MeasureRows Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
MergeHashtable Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
MergePSCustomObject Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
SyncExtractOptions Script PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
WriteLog Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
Install-Dependencies Script PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
Import-Dependencies Script PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
PSOAuth Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
TestCredential Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
PSNotify Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
SqlPipeline Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery
OSMGeocode Module PowerShell Gallery Version (including pre-releases) PowerShell Gallery Platform Support
Minimum Supported PowerShell Version
PowerShell Gallery

Here are some high level descriptions. Please follow the links from the table or go into the subdirectories to get more detailed information.


This framework is mainly created for installing and using custom channels in Apteco Orbit and PeopleStage. The channel implementations are written in PowerShell and already implemented as "Plugins" in this module. But there is a function implemented so you can refer to your own channels that are not getting overwritten if you update this module.


Allow you to manipulate strings like converting the string encoding or replacing strings. Random strings and hashed strings are also included.


This module merges two PSCustomObjects into one. It is able to handle nested structures like hashtables, arrays and PSCustomObjects.


Converts a [DateTime] into a numeric unix timestamp as [UInt64] and vice versa.

To get a unix timestamp from a [DateTime]::Now or (Get-Date) just do it like in these examples

Get-Unixtime -InMilliseconds
Get-Unixtime -InMilliseconds -Timestamp ( Get-Date ).AddDays(-2)

To convert a timestamp back, just do it like here

ConvertFrom-UnixTime -Unixtime 1591775090
ConvertFrom-UnixTime -Unixtime 1591775090 -ConvertToLocalTimezone
ConvertFrom-UnixTime -Unixtime 1591775146091 -InMilliseconds
( ConvertFrom-UnixTime -Unixtime $lastSession.timestamp ).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssK")


This module is used to double encrypt sensitive data like credentials, tokens etc. They cannot be stolen pretty easily as it uses SecureStrings.

Execute commands like

"Hello World" | Convert-PlaintextToSecure

to get a string like


This string can be decrypted by calling


and get back

Hello World


This module can be used to extend existing functions/cmdlets with more scripting and possibly additional parameters like

function Invoke-CoreWebRequest {
    param (
    DynamicParam { Get-BaseParameters "Invoke-WebRequest" }

    Process {
        Write-Host $AdditionalString
        $updatedParameters = Skip-UnallowedBaseParameters -Base "Invoke-WebRequest" -Parameters $PSBoundParameters
        Invoke-WebRequest @updatedParameters



Executes an Invoke-WebRequst, but converts the content afterwards into UTF8, if the correct encoding wasn't given back.


A small script that helps you to install scripts/modules/packages you need to load via a repository like PowerShellGallery or NuGet or a local repository.

Just use

Install-Dependencies -Module "WriteLog" -LocalPackage "System.Data.Sqlite", "Npgsql" -Verbose


A small script that helps you to import your installed modules and packages you have installed through PowerShellGallery, NuGet or a local repository.

Just use

Import-Dependencies.ps1 -Module "WriteLog" -LoadWholePackageFolder -Verbose

to load your lib subfolder or

Import-Dependencies.ps1 -Module "WriteLog" -LocalPackage "System.Data.SQLite", "Npgsql" -Verbose

to load specific folders


Just use

Measure-Rows -Path "C:\Temp\Example.csv"


"C:\Temp\Example.csv" | Measure-Rows -SkipFirstRow


Measure-Rows -Path "C:\Temp\Example.csv" -Encoding UTF8

or even

"C:\Users\Florian\Downloads\adressen.csv", "C:\Users\Florian\Downloads\italian.csv" | Measure-Rows -SkipFirstRow -Encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)

to count the rows in a csv file. It uses a .NET streamreader and is extremly fast.


This module merges two Hashtables into one. It is able to handle nested structures like hashtables, arrays and PSCustomObjects.


This module merges PSCustomObjects into one. It is able to handle nested structures like hashtables, arrays and PSCustomObjects.


Geocode single or multiple addresses on the fly via OpenStreetMaps like

$addr = [PSCustomObject]@{"street" = "Schaumainkai 87";"city" = "Frankfurt";"postalcode" = 60589;"countrycodes" = "de"}
$addr | Invoke-OSM -Email "[email protected]" -AddressDetails -ExtraTags -ResultsLanguage "de"


Support of oAuth v2 in PowerShell! This module allows the oAuth flow to create your first api token for Microsoft Dynamics, Salesforce, CleverReach and much more... We support redirect urls to local urls http://localhost:54321 and app urls (handled via registry) apttoken://localhost. The local url is instantly starting up a basic webserver on the port you have defined. This module can be used for debugging or server2server communication. Here you can see the two methods than can be used:

import-module PSOAuth -Verbose
$oauthParam = [Hashtable]@{
    "ClientId" = "ssCNo32SNf"
    "ClientSecret" = ""     # ask for this at Apteco, if you don't have your own app
    "AuthUrl" = ""
    "TokenUrl" = ""
    "SaveSeparateTokenFile" = $true
Request-OAuthLocalhost @oauthParam


import-module PSOAuth -Verbose
$oauthParam = [Hashtable]@{
     "ClientId" = "ssCNo32SNf"
     "ClientSecret" = ""     # ask for this at Apteco, if you don't have your own app
     "AuthUrl" = ""
     "TokenUrl" = ""
     "SaveSeparateTokenFile" = $true
Request-OAuthApp @oauthParam -Verbose


Use Telegram, Email, Teams and Slack to get notifications via commandline. This can be used to be notified when important things happen like successful campaigns or maybe occured problems. Different channels can be bound together as groups so you can send the same message through different channels.


This script is used to switch off or switch on some data sources in FastStats Designer to allow a build with only a few tables (like customer data) and then later do a bigger build with customer and transactional data.

This example just changes the behaviour of the extract options and saves it in the same xml

SyncExtractOptions -DesignFile "C:\Apteco\Build\20220714\designs\20220714.xml" -Include "Bookings", "People"


To allow easier import of data into databases like PostgreSQL, SQLite, MariaDB/MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle and more there is a pretty handy module named SimplySql. As this module does not support pipeline input yet, I have created this wrapper with high flexibility. So this module allows importing csv file import like

Import-Module SqlPipeline, SimplySql
Open-SQLiteConnection -DataSource ".\db.sqlite"
Measure-Command {
    import-csv -Path '.ac_adressen.csv' -Encoding UTF8 -Delimiter "," | Add-RowsToSql -TableName "addresses" -UseTransaction -Verbose

But there is much more. Just go to that subdirectory to view the README file.


This module helps you to test credentials before you use them. By default, this module asks 3x times before cancelling. It delivers a $true or $false back.

Use this module in interactive mode -> this one requests your user and password, uses the current user as default


Define User and password beforehand

$c = Get-Credential
Test-Credential -Credentials $c


$c = Get-Credential
Test-Credential -Credentials $c  -NonInteractive


Get-Credential | Test-Credential


This script allows to write log files pretty easy without any fuzz. It retries the write commands if parallel processes want to write into the same logfile.

Execute commands like

Write-Log -message "Hello World"
Write-Log -message "Hello World" -severity ([LogSeverity]::ERROR)
"Hello World" | Write-Log

Then the logfile getting written looks like

20220217134552	a6f3eda5-1b50-4841-861e-010174784e8c	INFO	This is a general information
20220217134617	a6f3eda5-1b50-4841-861e-010174784e8c	ERROR	Note! This is an error
20220217134618	a6f3eda5-1b50-4841-861e-010174784e8c	VERBOSE	This is the verbose/debug information
20220217134619	a6f3eda5-1b50-4841-861e-010174784e8c	WARNING	And please look at this warning

separated by tabs.

Click on the folder for more information.