Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.3.1 + vX tests
This version might not fully support Firefox 102 ESR anymore.
Keep CustomCSSforFx v4.2.8 until ESR moves to the next major release.
Full changelog:
- (userChrome.css) minor description changes
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
- (fix) simulated add-on bar > status in add-on bar: text color
- (removed) simulated second bookmarks toolbar (duplicate): use
- (fix) Fx109+: show buttons instead of popup
- (fix Firefox bug) alternative appearance: add-on inline options + zoom levels below 100%
v2 test
- (fix) Fx109+:
v3 test
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
- (tweak) tab below navigation toolbar
v4-6 test
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
v7 test
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized