Releases: Aris-t2/CustomCSSforFx
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.3.3
This version might not fully support Firefox 102 ESR anymore.
Keep CustomCSSforFx v4.2.8 until ESR moves to the next major release.
Full changelog:
Mozilla broke or removed -moz-box-ordinal-group
rule in Firefox 112.
Wherever it was required, it got replaced with order
- (new) Firefox 88 icon set (
) - (new) Firefox 88 icon set colorized (
) - (tweak) colorized icons
- (fix) Fx112+: appbutton in titlebar
- (fix) Fx112+: appbutton in titlebar icon only
- (fix) Fx112+: appbutton on navigation toolbar start position
- (fix) Fx112+: tabs below navigation toolbar alt
- (fix) Fx112+: tab close at tabs start
[General UI]
- (fix) 'page context menu > back, forward, reload and bookmarks button labels + icons'
- (fix) Fx112+: findbar on top
- (fix) Fx112+: findbar on top > close button at findbars start position
- (fix) Fx112+: bookmarks toolbar above navigation toolbar
- (fix) Fx112+: bookmarks toolbar above navigation toolbar (when tabs are not on top)
[Add-on Manager (about:addons)]
- (fix) Fx112+: alternative appearance
- (fix) forward button > hide when disabled
[General UI]
- (tweak) compact popup/panel menus
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.3.2
This version might not fully support Firefox 102 ESR anymore.
Keep CustomCSSforFx v4.2.8 until ESR moves to the next major release.
Full changelog:
- All image files containing multiple image got split into single files, because Mozilla removed
rule. This increases this projects archive size from about 500KB to 700KB. - it is important to replace
folders of the current setup, when updating to this version. - replaced a few
rule leftovers
- (fix) Fx112+: appbuton in titlebar > dropmarker position
- dropmarker will now be visible on Linux and macOS too
- (fix) broken/missing icon in "more tools" sub menu
- (fix) classic squared tabs > multiselected appearance
- (fix) classic squared tabs ausralized > multiselected appearance
- (tweak) photon tabs
- (tweak) Firefox view button visible in customizing mode to move to a toolbar
- classic squared tabs
- classic squared tabs ausralized
- photon tabs
- (fix) Linux: tabs below navigation toolbar alternative > 'force hidden menubar' option
- (tweak) multiselected tabs
- (tweak) modified all icon set options
- (tweak) modified all custom back/forward button options
- temporarily removed 'large ff3 strata v2' set
- (tweak) back/forward buttons > connected
- (tweak) back/forward buttons > connected to location bar
[General UI]
- (fix) Win7/8: 'page context menu > back, forward, reload and bookmarks button labels + icons'
[Location Bar]
- (tweak) autocomplete popup > aero color for hovered/active results
- (tweak) padlock icon options > removed unused code
- (fix) show buttons instead of popup
- (fix) treecols (list header) size
Crystal and Firebird icon sets pointed (partly) to wrong image files.
Fx112+ fix for appbutton_on_navbar_start_position.css
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.3.2 (dev/pre)
dev 1
- (tweak) appbutton in titlebar
- (tweak) photon tabs
dev 2
- (tweak) 'back/forward'-button options 'connected' and 'connected to location bar' (Thanks to @ZTHawk )
- (tweak) photon tabs
dev 3
- (change) all settings using
rule (Mozilla removed -moz-image-region rule) Because of this change all image files containing multiple images had to be split into own files, what increased projects file size
dev 4
- (fix) minor images issues caused by dev3
- (fix) remaining file not covered by dev3 (thanks to @Speravir)
dev 5
- (tweak) removed
leftovers - (fix) Linux:
: space above navigation toolbar was not hidden properly - (fix) Linux/macOS: appbutton in titlebar: restored dropmarker icon
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.3.1 + vX tests
This version might not fully support Firefox 102 ESR anymore.
Keep CustomCSSforFx v4.2.8 until ESR moves to the next major release.
Full changelog:
- (userChrome.css) minor description changes
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
- (fix) simulated add-on bar > status in add-on bar: text color
- (removed) simulated second bookmarks toolbar (duplicate): use
- (fix) Fx109+: show buttons instead of popup
- (fix Firefox bug) alternative appearance: add-on inline options + zoom levels below 100%
v2 test
- (fix) Fx109+:
v3 test
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
- (tweak) tab below navigation toolbar
v4-6 test
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
v7 test
- (tweak) minor improvements and changes to photon tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.3.0 + vX tests
This version might not fully support Firefox 102 ESR anymore.
Keep CustomCSSforFx v4.2.8 until ESR moves to the next major release.
Full changelog:
- (fix) 110+: classic squared tabs > minor bottom line issue
- (fix) Fx109+: AeroGlass + Glass8 application crash: general_toolbar_colors_aeroglass_windows10_glass8.css
- (fix) Fx109+: custom icon sets
- (fix) Fx109+: #unified-extensions-button support for most options (colors/icons)
[General UI]
- (fix) Fx109+: popup compact menus > support for #unified-extensions-button popup
- (fix) sidebar show on hover > it does not "steal" some pixels of appcontent anymore
- (fix Firefox bug) alternative appearance: add-on inline options + zoom levels below 100%
v2 test
- (fix) status in add-on bar text color (
v3 test
- (fix) squared photon tabs (
): rewritten tab separators code & fix multi selected tabs
v4 test
- (fix) Fx109+:
v5 test
- (removed)
. It is a duplicate ofaddonbar_extra_bookmarks_toolbar_below_navbar.css
- (fix) alternative appearance: add-on inline options
- (fix) add-on inline options glitch with
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.9 + vX tests
Full changelog:
This version might not fully support Firefox 102 ESR anymore.
Keep CustomCSSforFx v4.2.8 until ESR moves to the next major release.
- (userChrome.css) minor description changes
- (userChrome.css) removed *102.css options
- (userChrome.css) removed
- (userContent.css) minor changes
- (userContent.css) fix typo, that broke
(thanks to cbaumer0628) - (general_variables.css) support for border radius of
- (fix) Fx109+: simulated add-on bar
- (fix) Fx109+: additional bookmarks toolbar
- (fix) Fx109+: tabs toolbar below main content (thanks to DeVaulted)
- (fix) typo in 'multiple tab lines' (thanks to glennpc)
- (fix) Fx109+: show buttons instead of popup
- (fix) Fx109+: show buttons instead of popup > icons only
v2 tests
- (fix) Fx109+: AeroGlass + Glass8 application crash:
- (fix) Fx109+: options for #add-ons-button apply on #unified-extensions-button too
[General UI]
- (fix) Fx109+:
#unified-extensions-button popup support
v3 tests
- (fix) Fx109+: custom icon sets
[General UI]
- (fix) Fx109+:
#unified-extensions-button popup support
v4 tests
- (fix Firefox bug) add-on inline options + zoom levels below 100%:
[General UI]
- (fix) Fx109+:
v5 tests
- (fix) 110+:
> minor bottom line issue
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.9 dev/prelease builds
Fixes for Firefox 109+ might not be compatible to Firefox 102.x ESR.
(Fx109+) fix: addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom.css
> findbar position
(Fx109+) fix: addonbar_extra_bookmarks_toolbar_below_navbar.css
> restore bookmarks
(Fx110+) fix: addonlists_show_buttons_instead_of_menu_popup.css
> hide icons
(Fx110+) fix: addonlists_replace_button_labels_with_icons.css
> restore icons
(Fx109+) removed addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom_tabs_on_bottom_webcontent_compatibility.css
(Fx109+) fix: addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom.css
> tweak
(Fx109+) fix: tabs_below_main_content.css
> content overlapping (thanks to @DeVaulted)
(Fx109+) fix: addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom.css
> tweak
(Fx109+) fix: addonbar_extra_bookmarks_toolbar_below_navbar.css
> bookmarks position
fix: tabs_multiple_lines.css
> typo (thanks to @glennpc)
(Fx109+) fix: tabs_below_main_content.css
> hide in tabs toolbar in video fullscreen
(Fx109+) fix: addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom.css
> hide bookmakrs toolbar in fullscreen and video fullscreen
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.8
Full changelog:
- (fix) tab label position left/center/right (different approach, idea by MrOtherGuy)
- (tweak) classic squared tabs (required this option to work with tab label position changes)
- (fix) tabs below navigation toolbar alternative + lw-themes
- (fix) Fx 110: classic squared tabs and photon tabs options > line below active tab
- (fix) options for 'button appearances on toolbars' (classic, aero, dark etc.)
- (tweak) more compact mode
[General UI]
- (fix) popup compact menus > support for more menus
- (fix) overflow menu without button labels
- (tweak) simulated add-on bar
- (new) addonbar_move_bookmarks_toolbar_to_bottom_tabs_on_bottom_webcontent_compatibility.css
- enable this option, if toolbar overlaps with webcontent (currently on Nightly)
- (removed) addon bar content on the right > 'use flexible space instead'
[Add-on Manager (about:addons)]
- (tweak) add-ons manager > show version number
- (fix) 102 ESR: tabs below navigation toolbar
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.7 + vX test builds
Full changelog:
- (tweak) bookmarks button on bookmarks toolbar > show label
- (tweak) classic squared tabs
- (tweak) classic squared tabs australized
- (tweak) photon tabs
- (tweak) tab close hidden
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar alternative
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar (macOS)
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar alternative (macOS)
- (tweak) simulated add-on bar > move status to toolbar (different approach, idea by MrOtherGuy)
- (tweak) text mode
- (tweak) icons + text mode
v2-v6 tests will be added to 4.2.8 release.
- replaced v1 and fixed issues with simulated add-on bar
- (fix) tab label position left/center/right (different approach, idea by MrOtherGuy)
- (tweak) classic squared tabs (required this option to work with tab label position changes)
- (fix) button appearances on toolbar (classic, aero, dark etc.)
[General UI]
- (fix) popup compact menus > support for more menus
- (fix) overflow menu without button labels
- (fix) tabs below navigation toolbar alternative + lw-themes
- (tweak) simulated add-on bar
- (new)
- if toolbar overlaps with webcontent (currently on Nightly), enable this option
- (fix) Fx 110: classic squared tabs and photon tabs options > line below active tab
Custom CSS tweaks for Firefox v4.2.6
Full changelog:
- userChrome.css: added more descriptions
- general_variables.css: increased
value - If issues on Firefox 107 occur, try to set
- (fix) forward button > hide when disabled
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar
- (tweak) tabs below navigation toolbar alt
- (tweak) bookmarks toolbar > multiple lines (Thanks to Speravir)