Arduino-BlueDisplay Public
Arduino library for the BlueDisplay App. The App converts your smartphone into an Android remote touch display.
android-blue-display Public
The App receives basic draw and GUI requests from Arduino etc. over Bluetooth (HC-05) and renders it. It also sends touch events over Bluetooth back to Arduino.
Ultimate-Battery-Tester Public
The ultimate battery tester with ESR measurement and discharge graph. Based on an Arduino Nano and a 1602 LCD.
Arduino-RobotCar Public
Enables autonomous driving of a 2 or 4 wheel car with an Arduino and a Adafruit Motor Shield V2. To avoid obstacles a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor mounted on a SG90 Servo continuously scans the area. …
RobotArmControl Public
Program for controlling a MeArm / RobotArm with 4 servos using 4 potentiometers and/or an IR remote
OpenledRace Public
OpenLedRace version with accelerator or button inputs, track animations and winner melody
PWMMotorControl Public
Arduino library to control brushed DC motors by PWM. Uses optional attached encoders to drive fixed distances.
PlayRtttl Public
Arduino library to play RTTTL melodies / ringtones non blocking from FLASH or RAM.
QuadrupedControl Public
Arduino Library for controlling a mePed robot V2 with 8 servos using an IR remote.
SimpleTouchScreenDSO Public
Simple DSO Software for Arduino Uno/MEGA with a Touchscreen Shield
digitalWriteFast Public
Arduino library for faster and smaller digitalWrite(), digitalRead() and pinMode() functions using direct port manipulation for constant pin numbers.
Github-Actions Public
Github actions script for testing build of Arduino libraries with arduino-test-compile
ServoEasing Public
Arduino library to enable smooth servo movement.
STMF3-Discovery-Demos Public
Apps for a STMF3-Discovery board with HY32D touch screen or BlueDisplay App - DSO, FrequenySynthesizer, Accelerometer and DAC demo etc.
Arduino-Utils Public
Utility collection for Arduino programming
micronucleus-firmware Public
Fork for the firmware / digispark part of the micronucleus repository
library-registry Public
Forked from arduino/library-registryArduino Library Manager list
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedNov 6, 2024 -
ESP32Servo Public
Forked from madhephaestus/ESP32ServoArduino-compatible servo library for the ESP32
C++ UpdatedNov 6, 2024 -
Tiny and cheap robot car for inspecting sewer pipes >= 125 mm. With pan servo for the ESP32-Cam module
Talkie Public
Refurbished Arduino version of the Talkie library from Peter Knight.
TransistorTester-TC1_328_Windows Public
Forked from kubi48/TransistorTester-sourceExtensions to the m-software to compile under Windows / Arduino for a TC1 clone with a 328P (replaced)
C UpdatedNov 1, 2024 -
LightweightServo Public
Lightweight Servo library for Arduino for 2 Servos at Pin 9 and 10. Needs only timer1, no interrupts or other resources.
arduino-test-compile Public
Github Action to compile all examples of an Arduino library for one board and check for errors
JK-BMSToPylontechCAN Public
Converts the JK-BMS RS485 data to Pylontech CAN data
Arduino sketch, which helps detecting the connections of the I2C interface and prints info available from the SMB (SmartBatteryModule) laptop battery pack.
NeoPatterns Public
Patterns for NeoPixel strips and matrixes including the patterns of the NeoPattern Example by Adafruit.
Arduino-DTSU666H_PowerMeter Public
Arduino Nano substitute for a RS485 3 Phase DTSU666-H coil based power meter. Less resolution, but better display
Arduino-OpenWindowAlarm Public
Issues an alarm, if window is open for more than 5 minutes. Arduino sketch for ATtiny85. Battery operated (6 microAmpere).
EasyButtonAtInt01 Public
Arduino library for push buttons at INT0 and / or INT1 pin (pin 2 / 3). Provides debouncing and toggle button functionality.
ATtinySerialOut Public
Minimal bit-bang send serial 38400/115200 baud for 1MHz or 115200/230400 baud for 8 or 16MHz ATtiny clock