Check status of IPv6 BGP peers on a Cisco IOS device
This script will login to a Cisco IOS router return the status of IPv6 BGP peers.
If you are using pip, the following command will install all requirements:
pip install netmiko pynag
-H HOST Host to connect to (default: localhost)
-l USERNAME Username to login with
-p PASSWORD Password to login with
--html Colorize Nagios summary output
This check runs the command show bgp ipv6 unicast neighbors
on the router.
This check needs login credentials to login to a router. It is recommended that you store this info in the resource.cfg file.
Define a check command:
define command {
command_name check_bgp_ipv6_cisco
command_line $USER10$/ -H $ARG1$ -l $USER21$ -p $USER22$ --html
Use the command in a service or host definition:
define service {
host_name myrouter
service_description bgp peers ipv6
check_command check_bgp_ipv6_cisco!$HOSTADDRESS$