This tool is designed to help Telegram channel administrators efficiently manage and clean up their channels by automating the deletion of messages. It leverages the Telethon library for enhanced Telegram API interactions, providing a user-friendly and efficient way to maintain a clean and organized chat environment.
- Bulk Deletion: Quickly clears batches of messages, streamlining the cleaning process.
- Telethon Integration: Utilizes the powerful Telethon library for advanced Telegram API interactions.
- Colorful Console Output: Features vibrant and user-friendly display with styled logs and progress updates.
- Safe and Reliable: Includes rate-limit handling and comprehensive error management for smooth operation.
- Stylish Credits Display: Showcases a beautifully formatted credits section.
To use this tool, follow these simple steps:
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
Install Dependencies:
bash Copy code pip install telethon rich Set Up Your Telegram API Credentials:
Obtain your API_ID and API_HASH from Replace 'API_ID' and 'API_HASH' in the script with your actual Telegram API credentials. Replace 'channel_id' with the target channel's id. Run the Script:
bash Copy code python Join Our Community π Stay updated and get support by joining our Telegram channels:
LikhonScripts - For updates and discussions about this tool and more. LikhonxSheikh - For general community interactions and insights. Contributing π€ Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.
Show Your Support π Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
π€ Made by @LikhonScripts
Install Dependencies:
bashCopy code
pip install telethon rich
Set Up Your Telegram API Credentials:
- Obtain your
from - Replace
in the script with your actual Telegram API credentials. - Replace 'channel_id' with the target channel's id.
- Obtain your
Run the Script:
bashCopy code
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page.
Give a βοΈ if this project helped you!
Stay updated and get support by joining our Telegram channels:
- LikhonScripts - For updates and discussions about this tool and more.
- LikhonxSheikh - For general community interactions and insights.