Movement Speed 3.0 Test E
- Added back support for Classic versions of WoW
- Updated settings checkboxes to the new WoW style (with slightly improved click feedback)
- Added a new "swap" chat command to be able to change which display is modified by chat commands (Player Speed or Travel Speed - not available in Classic)
- Fixed the preset listing errors for chat commands
- Chat commands now specify which display will/did they set
- Fixed the status notice not showing up on load when hide while stationery is turned on
- Readded the ability to open specific settings pages from the display right-click menus (as Blizzard has finally - mostly - solved the issue) - unfortunately still no support for Classic
- Fixed the issue with the positioning aids lo longer reaching to the edges of the screen (the scale was off)
- Chat visibility status notices will now be properly shown for both speed displays separately
Known issues:
- Update notes are missing
- Profile management options not yet working correctly
- Positioning aid visuals are broken in Classic versions of WoW