Releases: AucT/AucT-Hotkeys-Tool
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.11
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.10
add mouse blocking when script is clicking skills for left click
improved info about new chat-free system
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.9
Fix chat-free for 1.30 patch in new chat-detecting system
added 50 ms delay after skill click for customkeys (can be modified in settings.ini) for left click
removed mouse blocking when script is clicking skills for left click
removed unnecessary mouse move for non-uac users
Revert back chat-detecting system to color checking.
It will check pixel color in the top wc3 bar and so it will not work for window mode or dota2 game.
In the lobby chat-free is rarely working. Recommended to manually off/on script.
You can use in options menu indicator to know if it is working as expected.
The benefit of this - it will work in any patch but is not as stable as reading wc3 memory.
If you are not using patch wc3 1.30 patch you don't need to update aht.
p.s. sometimes customkeys works shitty - pressing few times save makes them work normal.
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.8
The v2.9.7 version has typo and it wasn't fixing chat the 1.29.2
Now it is fixed.
Also for some people with 1.29.2 hotkey doesn't work at all.
Sometimes after hitting save few times it starts working. But if not go to "Chat-suspend" and uncheck chat-free in game.
p.s. sorry for that misstype :(
improve shift + item hotkey
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.7
Fix chat detection for 1.29.2 patch
DUe to new patch it is still not 100% reliable solution. If hotkeys don't respond - click save several times.
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.6
Fix chat detection for 1.2.9 patch
Add customization of skill position through ini file
Add link to the guide for customization skill positions
Warning if you have new patch you must check "New WarCraft UI (1.29+)" for the chat-suspend work and for proper work of all coordinate-based hotkeys (skill hotkeys, autocast, scoreboard, etc)
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.5
added 1.29 patch support
Warning if you have new patch you must check "New WarCraft UI (1.29+)" for the chat-suspend work and for proper work of all coordinate-based hotkeys (skill hotkeys, autocast, scoreboard, etc).
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.4
added 1.28.5 patch support
improve shift + item hotkey
AucT Hotkeys Tool v2.9.3
added 1.28.4 patch support