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Tags: Avanade/UnitTestEx




- *Fixed:* The `XunitLocalTestImplementor.SetLocalImplementor` has been made public.
- *Fixed:* Added `TesterBase.ReplaceTestFrameworkImplementor` to enable dynamic replacement.



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v5.4.3 (#87)

- *Fixed:* The `ValueAssertor.Result` is being obsoleted and replaced with `ValueAssertor.Value` to be more explicit. The `Result` property will be removed in a future version.
- *Fixed:* The `ValueAssertor` JSON-based assertions updated to serialize the `Value` and compare; versus, serializing the JSON and then comparing.
- *Fixed:* The `ObjectComparer.JsonAssert` is being obsoleted and replaced with `ObjectComparer.AssertJson` to be more consistent. The `JsonAssert` method will be removed in a future version.



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v5.4.2 (#86)

* v5.4.2
- *Fixed:* The `HttpResponseMessageAssertorBase.AssertErrors` has been extended to check for both `IDictionary<string, string[]>` (previous) and `HttpValidationProblemDetails` (new) HTTP response JSON content.

* - *Fixed:* The `HttpResponseMessageAssertorBase.AssertJson` corrected to not validate the content type as this should be handled by the `AssertContentType` method. The `AssertJson` method now only checks the content against the expected JSON value.



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v5.4.1 (#85)

- *Fixed:* The `ToHttpResponseMessageAssertor` supports a new `HttpRequest` parameter to enable access to the originating `HttpContext` such that its `HttpResponse` is used; versus, creating new internally.



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v5.4.0 (#84)

* - *Enhancement:* All `CreateHttpRequest` and related methods moved to `TesterBase` to ensure availability for all derived testers.
- *Enhancement:* Added `ToHttpResponseMessageAssertor` to `ActionResultAssertor` and `ValueAssertor` that converts an `IActionResult` to an `HttpResponseMessage` and returns an `HttpResponseMessageAssertor` for further assertions. The underlying `Host` must be configured (DI) correctly for this to function; otherwise, an exception will be thrown.
- *Enhancement:* Added `WithApiTester` base class per test framework to provide a shared `ApiTester` instance per test class; versus instantiating per test method. Be aware that using may result in cross-test contamination.



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V5.3.0 (#82)

* v5.3.0
- *Enhancement:* Added `MockHttpClientResponse.Header` methods to enable the specification of headers to be included in the mocked response.
  - The `MockHttpClient.WithRequestsFromResource` YAML/JSON updated to also support the specification of response headers.

* Readme tweak.

* Fix failing test.



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v5.2.0 (#81)

* v5.2.0
- *Enhancement:* Added `TesterBase<TSelf>.UseAdditionalConfiguration` method to enable additional configuration to be specified that overrides the `IHostBuilder` as the host is being built. This leverages the underlying `IConfigurationBuilder.AddInMemoryCollection` capability to add. This is intended to support additional configuration that is not part of the standard `appsettings.json` or `appsettings.unittest.json` configuration.

* Tweak the build versions.



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v5.1.0 (#80)

- *Enhancement:* Where an `HttpRequest` is used for an Azure Functions `HttpTriggerTester` the passed `HttpRequest.PathAndQuery` is checked against that defined by the corresponding `HttpTriggerAttribute.Route` and will result in an error where different. The `HttpTrigger.WithRouteChecK` and `WithNoRouteCheck` methods control the path and query checking as needed.



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v5.0.0 (#79)

* ## v5.0.0
- *Enhancement:* `UnitTestEx` package updated to include only standard .NET core capabilities; new packages created to house specific as follows:
  - `UnitTestEx.Azure.Functions` created to house Azure Functions specific capabilities;
  - `UnitTestEx.Azure.ServiceBus` created to house Azure Service Bus specific capabilities;
  - This allows for more focused testing capabilities and provides a common pattern for ongoing extensibility; whilst also looking to limit cross package dependency challenges.
  - Existing usage will require references to the new packages as required. There should be limited need to update existing tests to use beyond the requirement for the root `UnitTestEx` namespace. The updated default within `UnitTestEx` is to expose the key capabilities from the root namespace. For example, `using UnitTestEx.NUnit`, should be replaced with `using UnitTestEx`.
- *Enhancement:* Updated `UnitTestEx.Xunit` to align with `UnitTestEx.NUnit` and `UnitTestEx.MSTest` for consistency; the following `UnitTestBase` methods have been removed and should be replaced with:
  - `CreateMockHttpClientFactory()` replaced with `MockHttpClientFactory.Create()`;
  - `CreateGenericTester()` replaced with `GenericTester.Create()`;
  - `CreateApiTester<TStartup>()` replaced with `ApiTester.Create<TStartup>()`;
  - `CreateFunctionTester<TStartup>()` replaced with `FunctionTester.Create<TStartup>()`.

* Update the CI



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v4.4.2 (#78)

* v4.4.2
- *Fixed*: Updated all package depenedencies to latest; resolve [Microsoft Security Advisory CVE-2024-43485](GHSA-8g4q-xg66-9fp4).

* Fix log.