4.010 Beta
- Added [afktime] tag
- Pet xp has been split of from the regular xp tag into [xppet] and [percxppet]
- The castbar option has been removed from some units
- The options menu has been restructured so its easier to find something
- Tags now have an optional offset in the y axis
- Added "legacy threat" option to squares. This is just a targettarget check.
- Combo points can now be displayed on the player frame
- Distance measuring frequency has been removed due to the switch to oUF
- Colors have been re-grouped and some use oUF default values
- The number of maintanks/mainassists and their targets can now be configured
- Auto profiles are now character specific
- The portrait can now display important status effects
- The castbar now has a latency indicator
- Bars that go full length have been disabled for now (full Before & full After not working)
IMPORTANT: Make a backup of your old config in case you need to go back!