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Drop PlusCal labels from the client process that results in a
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(superfluous) TLA+ action that only changes the pc variable.

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lemmy committed Mar 18, 2022
1 parent 4a15fd5 commit 83282db
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 51 deletions.
82 changes: 31 additions & 51 deletions general-model/cosmos_client.tla
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,11 +151,10 @@ Operations == [type: {"write"}, data: Nat, region: WriteRegions, client: Clients
value := value + 1;
or read: read();
or read();

Expand All @@ -174,7 +173,7 @@ Operations == [type: {"write"}, data: Nat, region: WriteRegions, client: Clients
VARIABLES History, Data, Database, value, pc
VARIABLES History, Data, Database, value

(* define statement *)
RECURSIVE RemDupRec(_,_)
Expand All @@ -188,7 +187,7 @@ Last(s) == s[Len(s)]

VARIABLE session_token

vars == << History, Data, Database, value, pc, session_token >>
vars == << History, Data, Database, value, session_token >>

ProcSet == (Clients) \cup {<<0, 0>>}

Expand All @@ -199,53 +198,34 @@ Init == (* Global variables *)
/\ value = 0
(* Process client *)
/\ session_token = [self \in Clients |-> 0]
/\ pc = [self \in ProcSet |-> CASE self \in Clients -> "client_actions"
[] self = <<0, 0>> -> "database_action"]

client_actions(self) == /\ pc[self] = "client_actions"
/\ \/ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "write"]
\/ /\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "read"]
/\ UNCHANGED << History, Data, Database, value,
session_token >>

write(self) == /\ pc[self] = "write"
/\ value' = value + 1
/\ \E w \in WriteRegions:
/\ \A i, j \in Regions : Data[i] - Data[j] \in Bound
/\ Database' = [Database EXCEPT ![w] = Append(@, value')]
/\ Data' = [Data EXCEPT ![w] = value']
/\ History' = Append(History, [type |-> "write",
data |-> value',
region |-> w,
client |-> self])
/\ session_token' = [session_token EXCEPT ![self] = value']
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "client_actions"]

read(self) == /\ pc[self] = "read"
/\ Consistency /= "Session" \/ Data[self[1]] >= session_token[self]
/\ Consistency /= "Strong" \/ \A i, j \in Regions : Data[i] = Data[j]
/\ History' = Append(History, [type |-> "read",
data |-> Data[self[1]],
region |-> self[1],
client |-> self])
/\ session_token' = [session_token EXCEPT ![self] = Data[self[1]]]
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![self] = "client_actions"]
/\ UNCHANGED << Data, Database, value >>

client(self) == client_actions(self) \/ write(self) \/ read(self)

database_action == /\ pc[<<0, 0>>] = "database_action"
/\ \E s \in WriteRegions:
\E d \in Regions:
/\ Database' = [Database EXCEPT ![d] = RemoveDuplicates(SortSeq(Database[d] \o Database[s], <))]
/\ IF Len(Database'[d]) > 0
THEN /\ Data' = [Data EXCEPT ![d] = Last(Database'[d])]
/\ Data' = Data
/\ pc' = [pc EXCEPT ![<<0, 0>>] = "database_action"]
/\ UNCHANGED << History, value, session_token >>

CosmosDB == database_action

client(self) == \/ /\ value' = value + 1
/\ \E w \in WriteRegions:
/\ \A i, j \in Regions : Data[i] - Data[j] \in Bound
/\ Database' = [Database EXCEPT ![w] = Append(@, value')]
/\ Data' = [Data EXCEPT ![w] = value']
/\ History' = Append(History, [type |-> "write",
data |-> value',
region |-> w,
client |-> self])
/\ session_token' = [session_token EXCEPT ![self] = value']
\/ /\ Consistency /= "Session" \/ Data[self[1]] >= session_token[self]
/\ Consistency /= "Strong" \/ \A i, j \in Regions : Data[i] = Data[j]
/\ History' = Append(History, [type |-> "read",
data |-> Data[self[1]],
region |-> self[1],
client |-> self])
/\ session_token' = [session_token EXCEPT ![self] = Data[self[1]]]
/\ UNCHANGED <<Data, Database, value>>

CosmosDB == /\ \E s \in WriteRegions:
\E d \in Regions:
/\ Database' = [Database EXCEPT ![d] = RemoveDuplicates(SortSeq(Database[d] \o Database[s], <))]
/\ IF Len(Database'[d]) > 0
THEN /\ Data' = [Data EXCEPT ![d] = Last(Database'[d])]
/\ Data' = Data
/\ UNCHANGED << History, value, session_token >>

Next == CosmosDB
\/ (\E self \in Clients: client(self))
Expand Down

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