Microsoft Azure IoT SDKs for .NET v2 Preview #3 Release 2023-02-09
This is the third preview of the v2 clients. You can read about the changes in this migration guide.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue over AMQP when a link or session was closed that the connection status callback wasn't being called (#3127)
What's Changed
- Convert RetryDelegatingHandlerTests to Moq by @ngastelum-ms in #2929
- Minor fixes in samples by @schoims in #2937
- Remove tests that validate service behavior, and fix another failing … by @drwill-ms in #2934
- Convert tests to Moq and remove Nsubstitute by @ngastelum-ms in #2942
- Add more doc comments for handling user-supplied callbacks for cloud-to-device communication by @brycewang-microsoft in #2939
- Call OpenAsync() before sending telemetry message by @schoims in #2944
- fix: use convention method to get payload bytes by @abhipsaMisra in #2946
- Update to latest non-preview NuGet dependencies by @drwill-ms in #2945
- Update doc comments, specifically looking at web docs generated by @drwill-ms in #2947
- Delete unreferenced code from samples by @abhipsaMisra in #2949
- Consolidate exceptions thrown out by different clients by @brycewang-microsoft in #2887
- Remove env vars and checks for App insight by @andyk-ms in #2950
- Moq test conversion by @ngastelum-ms in #2948
- Add back DisposeAsync support to device clients by @drwill-ms in #2959
- Streamline pipelines to finish skipped matrix platforms earlier by @drwill-ms in #2963
- Update ETag type and TwinMetadata in DPS by @schoims in #2964
- Add samples to v2 pipeline by @ngastelum-ms in #2969
- Fix certificate validation E2E tests for the hub and provisioning clients by @brycewang-microsoft in #2960
- Stop throwing error code DeviceMaximumQueueDepthExceeded from device client by @brycewang-microsoft in #2971
- fix - v2 GatewayHostname ignored for MQTT by @tmahmood-microsoft in #2975
- Remove out-of-support targets from test matrix by @abhipsaMisra in #2976
- Delete duplicate service getting started sample directory by @ngastelum-ms in #2985
- Delete duplicate provisioning/device/samples/Getting Started directory by @ngastelum-ms in #2986
- Update the supported doc readme and simplify test csproj by @abhipsaMisra in #2987
- Parse out service returned error message by @abhipsaMisra in #2967
- Fix the logic of checking AuthenticationException as inner exceptions by @brycewang-microsoft in #2996
- Configure CA and update a few other projects' properties by @drwill-ms in #2965
- Parse service error fot get twin failures - mqtt by @abhipsaMisra in #2999
- Add in unrelated changes from STJ conversion attempt by @drwill-ms in #3003
- Disable invalid certificate test setup by @abhipsaMisra in #3008
- Remove telemetry batch operation over MQTT by @abhipsaMisra in #3000
- Remove json validation and most null value handling by @drwill-ms in #3009
- Parse out error message - amqp by @abhipsaMisra in #3007
- Use ETag type with DigitalTwinClient by @drwill-ms in #3010
- JSON cleanup of IoT Hub service direct method + unit tests by @drwill-ms in #3011
- Cleanup more models by @drwill-ms in #3012
- Update JSON for Hub service client twins by @drwill-ms in #3013
- Fix unit test case that does not match its name by @schoims in #3014
- Remove converter for twin metadata by @drwill-ms in #3016
- Doc update for SAS token refresh over AMQP vs MQTT by @andyk-ms in #3017
- Fix build errors in previews/v2 by @abhipsaMisra in #3024
- Make CRL inspection configurable by @abhipsaMisra in #3022
- Address corner cases around sas token refresh loop cleanup by @abhipsaMisra in #3041
- Add code coverage data to pipeline by @ngastelum-ms in #3019
- Create best practice solution sample using X.509 certificate authentication by @schoims in #3036
- Add test for recovery after quota being exceeded by @abhipsaMisra in #3050
- Exclude unittests from code coverage results by @ngastelum-ms in #3053
- refactor(prov-service-tests): clean up unit test namespaces by @abhipsaMisra in #3051
- JSON-related changes for enums and required property by @drwill-ms in #3054
- Misc code cleanup by @drwill-ms in #3057
- Small typo fix by @schoims in #3080
- Cleanup DPS service enrollment samples and SDK code by @drwill-ms in #3077
- Remove ClientRuntime dependency and add Newtonsoft.Json package by @schoims in #3082
- Provisioning device unit tests coverage - part 1 by @brycewang-microsoft in #3048
- Devices.Client code coverage gaps by @tmahmood-microsoft in #3020
- Edge module sample for module-to-module messaging by @tmahmood-microsoft in #3083
- Utilize retry policy when retrying to send SAS token in CBS auth in AMQP by @schoims in #3074
- Added sample for Edge Module direct method by @tmahmood-microsoft in #3087
- Add test cases for provisioning service client by @abhipsaMisra in #3081
- Remove backdoor cert validation bypass by @drwill-ms in #3095
- Speed up the loading of environment variables for E2E tests by @drwill-ms in #3096
- Fix bug in date deserialization of device method response by @brycewang-microsoft in #3098
- Update IoT hub service client init by @drwill-ms in #3100
- Rev projects for another preview release by @drwill-ms in #3104
- Fix build errors in release flavor by @drwill-ms in #3106
- Add JsonSerializerSettings to NewtonsoftJsonPayloadSerializer for the hub device by @brycewang-microsoft in #3105
- Add migration doc misses found in API review by @drwill-ms in #3108
Full Changelog: 2022-11-03...2023-02-09-v2preview