str.h is a comprehensive C library designed to simplify and enhance string manipulation in C programs. It provides a set of efficient and easy-to-use functions for working with C-style strings, offering developers a robust toolkit to streamline string operations, it may not be the best or the most performant but its mine 😎
#include <stdio.h>
#include "str.h"
int main() {
// ? strings =================================================================
str s = strCreate("Hello");
strExtend(&s, " World");
printf("%s\n", strGet(s));
strInsert(&s, "Beautiful ", 6);
printf("%s\n", strGet(s));
// ? Array of strings ========================================================
strArray sa = strArrayCreate(5);
strArraySet(&sa, 1, "World");
strArraySet(&sa, 2, "Beautiful");
strArraySet(&sa, 3, "Day");
strArraySet(&sa, 3, "Today");
strArrayAppend(&sa, "!");
strArrayPush(&sa, "# ");
strArrayInsert(&sa, "Hello ", 1);
return 0;
Hello World
Hello Beautiful World
['# ', 'Hello ', '', 'World', 'Beautiful', 'Today', '', '!', ]
Download the library:
git clone
Include the library header in your C source files:
#include <str.h>
Link your project with the
library during compilation:gcc main.c str.c -o myapp
(comming soon)
strKit is an open-source project, and contributions are welcome!