Smart tool for converting Abyss Engine Images to PNG or to AEI or AEI to PNG.
Requiers Python 3... (you will be safe with 3.11)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Converting single AEI <-> PNG and AEI -> PNG of AEPi supported formats (automaticaly detected).
- Batch converting whole directories of these type images.
- Drag and drop.
- GUI.
- Path text input or file browsing trouhg OS' browser.
- AEI arrays support (conversion and editing).
- Image preview.
- Regex filtering for multiple file conversion.
- cmd line support.
- something cool.
Made possible by AEPi and it's author Trimatix, by Python devs, by LLMS, by Bill Gates, by that cat I met on a street. Special thanks to the God almighty.