An UCI-compatible Chess Engine written in C++
Kojiro is a free, UCI chess engine written from scratch in C++,which i have developed for fun and to learn about chess programming, it uses well-known concepts used in chess programming for many decades and a lot of ideas are taken from chessprogramming wiki and talk chess forum and open-source engines.
- Search:
- AlphaBeta Pruning
- Aspiration Window
- Iterative Deepening
- Null Move Pruning
- Razoring
- Late Move Reductions
- Quiescence Search
- Multi Threads(Lazy SMP)
- Move Ordering:
- Hash Move
- TT Move
- Killer heuristic
- History heuristic
- Evaluation:
- Evaluation Tapering
- Piece Square Tables
- Pawn Structure
- Piece Mobility
- Open Files
- Other:
- Zobrist Hashing
- Transposition Table
- logging
you can use UCI protocol by running the main file or use an UCI-compatible graphical user interface(GUI) (e.g. Arena, Sigma Chess) in order to be used comfortably.
also you can challenge it on Lichess! -->
to compile the engine use:
cd src
make kojiro
to compile perft tests
cd src
make perft
./perft depth fen
./perft 5 rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
- BBC by Maksim Korzh
- Stockfish by Tord Romstad, Joona Kiiski, Gary Linscott, Marco Costalba
- Rustic by Marcel Vanthoor
- Vice by BlueFeverSoft
there are many techniques and features that will be added:
- use more modern cpp features to enhance the performance
- better evalution
- pawn (push, shield)
- center control, castling
- piece pair, blocked pieces
- more tests
- futility prunning (in alpha-beta and quiescence)
- time distribution model for time management of moves
- opening books
- Syzygy support
- internal iterative deepening
- better sorting
- Counter
- LastCaptureBonus
- Checks priority
- En-passant priority
- Xboard protocol
- windows support
- wiki