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An advanced logger using winston & colorette behind the scenes.


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Back's logger

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What's this?

It's a package that facilitates logging to console by allowing you to add many different loggers and styles. Also provides you with a progress bar and table out of the box. Works out of the box with no configuration needed. Uses under the hood:

  • winston
  • colorette
  • progress
  • table
  • moment

Usage examples


    const createLogger = require("@backs/logger")

    const logger = createLogger()

    logger.log("Test\n%bl_b", "This text is blue in bold.")
    /* Prints
        This text is blue in bold.


    import createLogger from "@backs/logger"

    const logger = createLogger()

    logger.log("Test\n%bl_b", "This text is blue in bold.")
    /* Prints
        This text is blue in bold.


Since it uses winston under the hood, you can use custom levels, colors, handlers, transports. You can also disable colors if needed. Check options down below.


  • levels?: string[] - Array of winstom levels from most important to least important. Defaults to ["error", "warn", "debug", "log", "info"].
  • colors?: Record<string, Color> - An object that contains a function that takes a string or number and returns a string, for each log level. Defaults to { error: red, warn: yellow, debug: magenta, log: blue, info: green }.
  • transports?: transports[] - Array of winston transports. Defaults to a Console transport and File transport (error level only) with custom formats.
  • log?: Record<T[number], boolean | (() => boolean)> - An object containing levels as values and a boolean or a function returning a boolean as value to decide whether or not to log to the transports provided.
  • handlers?: Record<string, (logger: WinstonLogger, message: any, ...args: any[]) => void> - An object containing objects for each level containing a function to handle that level. Provides the winston logger, a message which can be any type, and an array of arguments.
  • disableColors?: boolean - Whether or not to disable colors in the console.

Color & Modifiers

You can pass into the message argument replacements formated as such %color_modifiers. These will be replaced by the arguments in order. Both the color and the modifiers are optional.

  • Color only: %b
  • Modifier only: %_u
  • Color and modifier: %b_u
  • Multiple modifiers: %b_u,s

All possible colors

    b: black,
    bb: bgBlack,
    bbr: blackBright,
    bbbr: bgBlackBright,
    r: red,
    br: bgRed,
    rbr: redBright,
    brbr: bgRedBright,
    g: green,
    bg: bgGreen,
    gbr: greenBright,
    bgbr: bgGreenBright,
    y: yellow,
    by: bgYellow,
    ybr: yellowBright,
    bybr: bgYellowBright,
    bl: blue,
    bbl: bgBlue,
    blbr: blueBright,
    bblbr: bgBlueBright,
    m: magenta,
    bm: bgMagenta,
    mbr: magentaBright,
    bmbr: bgMagentaBright,
    c: cyan,
    bc: bgCyan,
    cbr: cyanBright,
    bcbr: bgCyanBright,
    w: white,
    bw: bgWhite,
    wbr: whiteBright,
    bwbr: bgWhiteBright,
    gr: gray,
    black: black,
    bgBlack: bgBlack,
    blackBright: blackBright,
    bgBlackBright: bgBlackBright,
    red: red,
    bgRed: bgRed,
    redBright: redBright,
    bgRedBright: bgRedBright,
    green: green,
    bgGreen: bgGreen,
    greenBright: greenBright,
    bgGreenBright: bgGreenBright,
    yellow: yellow,
    bgYellow: bgYellow,
    yellowBright: yellowBright,
    bgYellowBright: bgYellowBright,
    blue: blue,
    bgBlue: bgBlue,
    blueBright: blueBright,
    bgBlueBright: bgBlueBright,
    magenta: magenta,
    bgMagenta: bgMagenta,
    magentaBright: magentaBright,
    bgMagentaBright: bgMagentaBright,
    cyan: cyan,
    bgCyan: bgCyan,
    cyanBright: cyanBright,
    bgCyanBright: bgCyanBright,
    white: white,
    bgWhite: bgWhite,
    whiteBright: whiteBright,
    bgWhiteBright: bgWhiteBright,
    gray: gray

All possible modifiers

    d: dim,
    h: hidden,
    i: italic,
    u: underline,
    s: strikethrough,
    b: bold,
    r: reset,
    dim: dim,
    hidden: hidden,
    italic: italic,
    underline: underline,
    strikethrough: strikethrough,
    bold: bold,
    reset: reset


You can only pass one color unlike modifiers which can be stacked by seperating them with a comma.

Additional Methods & Properties

  • resolveLevel: Method - This just returns the level you want but padded by spaces so all levels are the same length.
  • color: Method - Takes a function that takes a string or number and returns a string. It either applies the color to the string or returns it as is depending on whether or not colors are disabled.
  • stringifyArg: Method - Stringifies whatever you pass into it.
  • formatArgs: Method - Takes a message as the first argument and an array of arguments as the second one. This is the function that handles all colors and modifiers.
  • table: Method - Creates a table. Documentation available here.
  • createTableStream: Method - Creates a table stream. Documentation available here.
  • progress: Method - Creates a progress bar. Documentation available here.
  • isColorEnabled: Property - Returns a boolean that indicates whether colors are enabled or not.
  • logger: Property - Returns the winston logger used under the hood.


An advanced logger using winston & colorette behind the scenes.







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