cargo run --release -- scene/helmet.json samples=64 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
cargo run --release -- scene/sponza.json samples=128 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
cargo run --release -- scene/lotus.json samples=512 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
cargo run --release -- scene/room.json scene/kbert.json samples=64 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
cargo run --release -- scene/corset.json samples=256 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
cargo run --release -- scene/floor.json scene/monkey.json samples=32 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
cargo run --release -- scene/room-no-textures.json scene/spheres.json samples=128 1280x720 monte_carlo=1
- Shadow (it can be controled via
) - Reflection
- Refraction
- Phong shading (sort of)
- Alpha/Opacity/Transparency via material setting or alpha map
- Supported shapes
- Sphere
- Triangle-Mesh
- Texture mapping
- Normal mapping (bump mapping)
- Wavefront (obj) object loading
- Anti-Aliasing
- DOF (Depth of field)
- Different light types (directional, point, spot)
- Monte Carlo raytracing (sort of)
- Fog
- Matrix based transformations
- JSON based scenes
- GLTF based scenes
- PBR (sort of)
- Basic animation support
- UI for property changes
use cargo watch to run release version:
cargo install cargo-watch
#run with watch:
cargo watch -s "cargo run --release" -w src/
#run without watch
cargo run --release
-- set the path to a scene.json file (you can set multiple scene files)no-animation
-- disable animationcmd
-- cmd version without windowsamples=1234
-- set samples amount800x600
-- set render resolutionmonte_carlo=1
-- enable monte carlo renderingstart=1
-- start rendering right away
cargo run --release -- scene/helmet.json no-animation samples=32 800x600 monte_carlo=1
sudo apt install cmake pkg-config libssl-dev build-essential cmake xorg-dev
# currently not working on windows
cargo install flamegraph
# enable debug = true for release builds in Cargo.toml
sudo cargo flamegraph -- scene/workbench.json cmd 800x600
# or
sudo cargo flamegraph --release -- scene/workbench.json cmd 800x600