Aisaar a Charity Management Network
I developed as a semester project for my Database Systems
in my 4th semster
This project aims to provide a centralized platform for charity Franchises/organizations to manage their operations, including franchise management, there registration, donor management, fundraising campaigns, volunteer coordination along with specific project planning, proposal and there creation, monitoring complains of volunteers. The system should streamline administrative control, enhance donation control, and improve transparency in charity operations.
Clone the project using following command
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install Dependancies
npm install
Then Run this cpmmand in you terminal to start vite server:
npm run dev
To create such a network to streamline Such Functionalities I implemented following features to cater the problem:
- Creation and management of franchises, projects, volunteer, campaigns, and beneficiaries.
- Admin registering different franchises holding multiple projects, volunteers and campaigns as well as beneficiaries.
- Proper authentication system for Franchises, Volunteers, Donors as well as the Admin
- Volunteer proposing different projects and getting approved from individual franchises.
- Tracking of donations made by donors to specific projects and campaigns.
- Maintaining the record of Donor’s donations(Transactions made)
- Monitoring fundraising campaigns associated directly to franchises.
- Publishing Top Donor’s testimonials on Home Page.
- Monitoring Top volunteer who have completed most projects.
- Receiving complaints from volunteers and resolving their problems from Admin.
- Managing beneficiaries enrollment, status and skills they are acquiring within franchises.
- Maintaining record of completed Projects and franchises.
- Maintaining the filtration of beneficiaries with respect to their status of enrollment in each franchise(orphan, widow, other).
Check out the latest demo of Project Aisaar.