Welcome to my personal GitHub account, here I store all my creative genius 💡.
Every project I like, being big or small, old or new, may be showcased here. So, don't be surprised if you come across a classic "hello world" written in some ancient legacy boilerplate language like Java, it is all part of the journey 🚀.
- 👋 A.k.a Smith
- 💬 He/Him, They/Their, It/Its or Honey
- 🎓 Student of Civil Eng
- 🐍 Python lover, 🦀 Rust fanatic & 🐧 Linux nut
- 🇯🇵 Fan of Japanese culture & 🇮🇹 Italian music
- 🤪 Speaking English like a boss...sorta
I created some organizations to keep things clean. You can start with those:
- Cli Projects: cause GUI is for mortals
- Web Scrapping: for when I want to waste more hours building a program than it would take to copy and paste the whole site
- Backend Development: you know, databases are fun
- Frontend Development: the glamour of coding, who wouldn't love it?
- DevOps: because infrastructure is just a chore
- Miscellaneous: where I go crazy
I hope you enjoy browsing through my work and feel free to reach out if any questions. Also, don't click on those buttons below, they are not working.
Passa una bella giornata, bye!