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The plugin that help you to Manage easily your Server lobby.


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LobbyManager v2


LobbyManager is a plugin that allows you to easily configure your server lobby just through a single configuration file that is easy to understand and modify.


  • /lm-reload or /lobbymanager-reload:

    • Allows you to reload the configuration file after modifying it to avoid restarting the entire server.
  • /lm-spawn, /lobbymanager-spawn or /spawn:

    • Allows you to go back to the spawn set on the config.yml file.
  • /lm-setspawn, /lobbymanager-setspawn, /setspawn:

    • Allow you to set the Spawn Location directly in the Config.yml file via a Command.


  • Reload Command:

    • Default permission is: "lobbymanager.commands.reload" but you can change it on the config.yml file.
  • Spawn Command:

    • This command don't require permission.
  • SetSpawn Command:

    • Default permission is: "lobbymanager.commands.setspawn" but you can change it on the config.yml file.

Configuration file:

Here the config file of the plugin:

#    _          _     _           __  __
#   | |    ___ | |__ | |__  _   _|  \/  | __ _ _ __   __ _  __ _  ___ _ __
#   | |   / _ \| '_ \| '_ \| | | | |\/| |/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|
#   | |__| (_) | |_) | |_) | |_| | |  | | (_| | | | | (_| | (_| |  __/ |
#   |_____\___/|_.__/|_.__/ \__, |_|  |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_|
#                           |___/                          |___/           
# By Bearless_
# Version: 2

# Placeholders:
# %player% --> Dynamically represents the player's name in messages.

    permission: "lobbymanager.commands.reload" # Permission required to use the /lm-reload command.
    permission_message: "&cYou don't have the required permission." # Message displayed if the player lacks permission.
    reload_message: "&aThe configuration file has been reloaded." # Message displayed after a successful reload.
    spawn_message: "&aYou have been teleported to the spawn." # Message after teleporting to spawn.
    permission: "lobbymanager.commands.setspawn" # Permission required to set the spawn location.
    permission_message: "&cYou don't have the required permission." # Message displayed if the player lacks permission.
    setspawn_message: "&aThe spawn has been set." # Message displayed after setting the spawn.
  only_player: "Only Player can execute this command" # Message displayed when a player-only command is run by the console (color codes are not supported here).

usage_message: # Error messages for incorrect command usage.
  reload: "&c&lIncorrect Usage: &c/lm-reload &c&lor &c/lobbymanager-reload" # Message displayed when /lm-reload is misused.
  setspawn: "&c&lIncorrect Usage: &c/lm-setspawn &c&lor &c/lobbymanager-setspawn &c&lor &c/setspawn" # Message displayed when /lm-setspawn is misused.

server: # General server settings and behaviors.
  disable_default_join_message: true # Disables the default join message ("Bearless joined the game").
  disable_default_quit_message: true # Disables the default quit message ("Bearless left the game").

  custom_join_message: "%player% &ajoin the lobby!" # Custom join message to replace the default.
  custom_quit_message: "%player% &cquit the lobby!" # Custom quit message to replace the default.

  disable_pvp: true # Prevents players from engaging in PvP combat.
  disable_entity_spawn: true # Prevents both passive (e.g., cows) and hostile (e.g., zombies) entities from spawning.
  disable_weather_change: true # Prevents weather changes (e.g., rain or storms).

  pvp_message: "&cYou can't pvp here." # Message displayed when PvP is disabled.

  enable_join_player_spawn_loc: true # Teleports players to a predefined spawn location upon joining.

  spawn_world_name: "world" # The name of the world where the spawn location is set.
  spawn_x: 0.5 # X-coordinate of the spawn location.
  spawn_y: 65 # Y-coordinate (vertical position) of the spawn location.
  spawn_z: 0.5 # Z-coordinate of the spawn location.
  spawn_yaw: 180 # The direction the player faces (horizontal rotation) when spawning.
  spawn_pitch: 0 # Vertical tilt of the player's view when spawning.

  teleport_onfall: 5 # Teleports the player to spawn if they fall below this Y-coordinate.

player: # Player-specific settings and restrictions.
  disable_fall_damage: true # Prevents players from taking fall damage.
  disable_food_loss: true # Prevents the depletion of the player's hunger bar.

  player_health_level: 20 # Sets the player's health to this value upon joining.
  player_food_level: 20 # Sets the player's hunger level to this value upon joining.

  player_level: 2025 # Assigns a custom level to the player.
  player_exp: 0.5 # The amount of experience (between 0 and 1) the player will have when joining the server.

  enable_player_gamemode: true # Allows setting a specific gamemode upon joining.
  set_player_gamemode: "adventure" # The gamemode applied to the player (e.g., survival, adventure, etc.).

  tablist_header: "&aThis is a header\n &ewith a new line and your name: §a%player%" # The header text displayed on the player tablist. Use "\n" for new lines.
  tablist_footer: "&6This is a footer\n &2with a new line and your name: §a%player%" # The footer text displayed on the player tablist. Use "\n" for new lines.
  tablist_format: "%player%" # The format of player names displayed in the tablist.

world: # World-specific settings and permissions.
    enable: true # Allows players to break blocks if they have the required permission.
    permission: "" # Permission required to break blocks.
    permission_message: "&cYou don't have permission for &lBreaking Block" # Message displayed if the player lacks permission to break blocks.

    enable: true # Allows players to place blocks if they have the required permission.
    permission: "" # Permission required to place blocks.
    permission_message: "&cYou don't have permission for &lPlacing Block" # Message displayed if the player lacks permission to place blocks.

Error Reporting

If you have any problems open an issue and me or the community will help you to find your answer.


The plugin that help you to Manage easily your Server lobby.






