v59 (2017-06-24)
Full Changelog
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TombOfSargeras/Kiljaeden: fix guid usage
TombOfSargeras/Kiljaeden: Update Say warnings and add Icon for Focused Dreadflame
Update koKR.lua (#273 )
TombOfSargeras/SistersoftheMoon: fix full dark/light ability timers on phase transition (#272 )
TombOfSargeras/Goroth: Stop warnings for Crashing Comet DoT effect
TombOfSargeras/Trash: Cancel bar/say warnings if Polymorph Bomb is removed early
TombOfSargeras/Locales: Update locales
TombOfSargeras/FallenAvatar: Shorten Touch of Sargeras cast/meteors
TombOfSargeras/Sasszine: Tune Burden of Pain sounds and make it Tank only warnings
TombOfSargeras/Goroth: Fix missing Burning Armor timers when the tank avoids the debuff
Kil'jaeden: Use shorter names for Shadow Reflections and Darkness of a Thousand Souls, fix Shadow Reflection: Wailing spell id
Kiljaeden: Add Demonic Obelisk timers
Update ToS locales (#274 )
Kiljaeden: Add a bar for Singularity Impacts, don't show Flaming Orbs in LFR/Normal
Plugins/AltPower: Refresh the display every second instead of every 2 seconds.
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