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funkydude committed Nov 1, 2016
1 parent c7c51ac commit bbe5413
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 177 deletions.
179 changes: 2 additions & 177 deletions core.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,26 +150,7 @@ local function CreateMover(oldframe, w, h, dragstopfunc)
mover.close:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", 5, 5)
return mover
--hooksecurefunc(WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame, "SetPoint", function()
-- if not db or not db.sbx then return end
-- oSetPoint(WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame, "TOP", UIParent, "TOPLEFT", db.sbx, db.sby)
--local function wsaufu()
-- if not db or not db.cbx then return end
-- local nexty = 0
-- for i = 1, NUM_EXTENDED_UI_FRAMES do
-- local cb = _G["WorldStateCaptureBar"..i]
-- if cb and cb:IsShown() then
-- cb:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", db.cbx, db.cby - nexty)
-- nexty = nexty + cb:GetHeight()
-- end
-- end
--hooksecurefunc("WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame_Update", wsaufu)
--hooksecurefunc(VehicleSeatIndicator, "SetPoint", function()
-- if not db or not db.seatx then return end
-- oSetPoint(VehicleSeatIndicator, "TOPRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMLEFT", db.seatx, db.seaty)

local function UpdateZoneMapVisibility()
if (not bgmap or not bgmap:IsShown()) and GetCVar("showBattlefieldMinimap") ~= "0" then
if not bgmap then
Expand All @@ -178,29 +159,7 @@ local function UpdateZoneMapVisibility()
--hooksecurefunc("WorldMapZoneMinimapDropDown_OnClick", function()
-- if GetMapInfo() == "LakeWintergrasp" or GetMapInfo() == "TolBarad" then
-- UpdateZoneMapVisibility()
-- end
--TimerTracker:HookScript("OnEvent", function(this, event, timerType, timeSeconds, totalTime)
-- if not db or not wasInBG then return end
-- if db.hideblizztime then
-- for a, timer in pairs(this.timerList) do
-- timer.time = nil
-- timer.type = nil
-- timer.isFree = nil
-- timer:SetScript("OnUpdate", nil)
-- timer.fadeBarOut:Stop()
-- timer.fadeBarIn:Stop()
-- timer.startNumbers:Stop()
-- end
-- end
-- if not db.hidecaptime and event == "START_TIMER" then
-- Capping:StartBar(L["Battle Begins"], timeSeconds+3, "Interface\\Icons\\Spell_Holy_PrayerOfHealing", "info2")
-- end

function Capping:START_TIMER(timerType, timeSeconds, totalTime)
local _, t = GetInstanceInfo()
if t == "pvp" or t == "arena" then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,32 +225,6 @@ function Capping:ADDON_LOADED(a1)
SlashCmdList.CAPPING = ShowOptions
SLASH_CAPPING1 = "/capping"

-- adds Capping config to default UI Interface Options
--local panel = CreateFrame("Frame", "CappingOptionsPanel", UIParent) = "Capping"
--panel:SetScript("OnShow", function(this)
-- local t1 = NewText(this, GameFontNormalLarge, nil, "LEFT", "TOP", "ARTWORK")
-- t1:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
-- t1:SetText(
-- local t2 = NewText(this, GameFontHighlightSmall, nil, "LEFT", "TOP", "ARTWORK")
-- t2:SetHeight(43)
-- SetPoints(t2, "TOPLEFT", t1, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8, "RIGHT", this, "RIGHT", -32, 0)
-- t2:SetNonSpaceWrap(true)
-- local function GetInfo(field)
-- return GetAddOnMetadata("Capping", field) or "N/A"
-- end
-- t2:SetFormattedText("Notes: %s\nAuthor: %s\nVersion: %s", GetInfo("Notes"), GetInfo("Author"), GetInfo("Version"))
-- local b = CreateFrame("Button", nil, this, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
-- SetWH(b, 120, 20)
-- b:SetScript("OnClick", ShowOptions)
-- b:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", t2, "BOTTOMLEFT", -2, -8)
-- this:SetScript("OnShow", nil)

-- anchor frame
if db.x then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,114 +566,6 @@ local function BarOnClick(bar, button)

local function SetDepleteValue(this, remain, duration) (remain > 0 and remain or 0.0001) / duration )
local function SetFillValue(this, remain, duration) ((remain > 0 and duration - remain) or duration) / duration )
--local function BarOnUpdate(this, a1)
-- this.elapsed = this.elapsed + a1
-- if this.elapsed < this.throt then return end
-- this.elapsed = 0
-- local remain = this.endtime - GetTime()
-- this.remaining = remain
-- this:SetValue(remain, this.duration)
-- this.pfunction(remain)
-- if remain < 60 then
-- if remain < 10 then -- fade effects
-- if remain > 0.5 then
-- this:SetAlpha(0.75 + 0.25 * math_sin(remain * math_pi))
-- elseif remain > -1.5 then
-- this:SetAlpha((remain + 1.5) * 0.5)
-- elseif this.noclose then
-- if remain < -this.noclose then
-- Capping:StopBar(nil, this)
-- else
-- this:SetAlpha(0.7)
-- this.throt = 10
-- end
-- this.endfunction()
-- return
-- else
-- this.endfunction()
-- return Capping:StopBar(nil, this)
-- end
-- this.throt = 0.05
-- end
-- this.timetext:SetFormattedText("%d", remain < 0 and 0 or remain)
-- elseif remain < 600 then
-- this.timetext:SetFormattedText("%d:%02d", remain * stamin, remain % 60)
-- elseif remain < 3600 then
-- this.timetext:SetFormattedText("%dm", remain * stamin)
-- else
-- this.timetext:SetFormattedText("|cffaaaaaa%d:%02d|r", remain / 3600, remain % 3600 * stamin)
-- end

--local function SetValue(this, frac)
-- frac = (frac < 0.0001 and 0.0001) or (frac > 1 and 1) or frac
-- this:SetWidth(frac * this.basevalue)
-- this:SetTexCoord(0, frac, 0, 1)
--local function SetReverseValue(this, frac)
-- frac = (frac < 0.0001 and 0.0001) or (frac > 1 and 1) or frac
-- this:SetWidth(frac * this.basevalue)
-- this:SetTexCoord(frac, 0, 0, 1)
--local function UpdateBarLayout(f)
-- local inset, w, h, tc = db.inset or 0, db.width or 200, db.height or 12, db.colors.font
-- local icon, bar, barback, spark, timetext, displaytext = f.icon,, f.barback, f.spark, f.timetext, f.displaytext
-- local nh = h * (db.altstyle and 0.25 or 1)
-- local ih = nh - 2 * inset
-- ih = ih > 0 and ih or 0.5
-- SetWH(f, w, h)
-- SetWH(icon, h, h)
-- SetWH(barback, w - h, nh)
-- bar:SetHeight(ih)
-- spark:SetHeight(2.35 * ih)
-- spark:SetVertexColor(db.colors.spark.r, db.colors.spark.g, db.colors.spark.b, db.colors.spark.a)
-- timetext:SetTextColor(tc.r, tc.g, tc.b, tc.a)
-- displaytext:SetTextColor(tc.r, tc.g, tc.b, tc.a)
-- f.SetValue = db.fill and SetFillValue or SetDepleteValue
-- if db.iconpos == "X" then -- icon position
-- icon:Hide()
-- barback:SetWidth(w)
-- SetPoints(barback, "BOTTOMLEFT", f, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
-- elseif db.iconpos == "->" then
-- icon:Show()
-- SetPoints(icon, "RIGHT", f, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-- SetPoints(barback, "BOTTOMRIGHT", icon, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 0)
-- else
-- icon:Show()
-- SetPoints(icon, "LEFT", f, "LEFT", 0, 0)
-- SetPoints(barback, "BOTTOMLEFT", icon, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0)
-- end
-- if db.timepos == "->" then -- time text placement
-- SetPoints(timetext, "RIGHT", barback, "RIGHT", -(4 + inset), db.altstyle and (0.5 * h) or 0)
-- SetPoints(displaytext, "LEFT", barback, "LEFT", (4 + inset), db.altstyle and (0.5 * h) or 0, "RIGHT", timetext, "LEFT", -(4 + inset), 0)
-- else
-- SetPoints(displaytext, "LEFT", barback, "LEFT", db.fontsize * 3, db.altstyle and (0.5 * h) or 0, "RIGHT", barback, "RIGHT", -(4 + inset), 0)
-- SetPoints(timetext, "RIGHT", displaytext, "LEFT", -db.fontsize / 2.2, 0)
-- end
-- if db.reverse then -- horizontal flip of bar growth
-- SetPoints(bar, "RIGHT", barback, "RIGHT", -inset, 0)
-- spark:SetPoint("CENTER", bar, "LEFT", 0, 0)
-- bar.SetValue = SetReverseValue
-- else
-- SetPoints(bar, "LEFT", barback, "LEFT", inset, 0)
-- spark:SetPoint("CENTER", bar, "RIGHT", 0, 0)
-- bar.SetValue = SetValue
-- end
-- f:EnableMouse(not db.lockbar)
-- bar.basevalue = (w - h) - (2 * inset)
-- if f:IsShown() then
-- BarOnUpdate(f, 11)
-- end

local temp = { }
local function lsort(a, b)
Expand Down

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