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Bilal Bassam edited this page Dec 1, 2024 · 9 revisions

extends Snowflake

Represents a Discord Interaction allowing you to receive and respond to user interactions.

Note that on interactionCreate event Discord sends partial Guild/Channel/Member objects, that means, any object obtained with the Interaction may or may not have specific properties set.

Instances of this class should not be constructed by users.


Name Type Description
appPermissions Permissions The permissions the app has in the source location of the interaction.
applicationId string The application's unique snowflake ID.
channel Channel/nil The Channel object the interaction was sent from. Equivalent to Client:getChannel(Interaction.channelId). Can be GuildTextChannel, GuildVoiceChannel or PrivateChannel.
channelId string The Snowflake ID of the channel the interaction was sent from. Should always be provided, but keep in mind Discord flags it as optional for future-proofing.
context number/nil The context in which this interaction was invoked, see enums.interactionContextType.
data table The raw data of the interaction. See Interaction Data Structure. Should be always available but Discord may not provide it in the future for some scenarios.
entitlements table An array of raw Entitlement objects for monetized apps the user that invoked this interaction has.
guild Guild/nil The Guild object the interaction was sent from. Equivalent to Client:getGuild(Interaction.guildId).
guildId string/nil The Snowflake ID of the guild the interaction was sent from, if any.
guildLocale string The guild's preferred locale, if the interaction was executed in a guild, see languages for list of possible values.
integrationOwners table Mapping of installation contexts that the interaction was authorized for to related user or guild IDs. See Authorizing Integration Owners Object for details
locale string/nil The locale settings of the user who executed this interaction, see languages for list of possible values. Always available except on PING interactions.
member Member/nil The member who invoked this interaction, if it was invoked in the context of a guild.
message Message/nil The message the components that invoked this interaction are attached to. Only provided for components-based interactions.
token string The interaction token. This is a secret and shouldn't be exposed, if leaked anyone can send messages on behalf of your bot.
type number The Interaction's type, see enums.interactionType.
user User/nil The user that invoked this interaction, should be always available but always check.
version string The interaction version, currently this is always set to 1.



Parameter Type
choices table

Responds to an autocomplete interaction. choices is an array of tables with the fields name and value. For example: {{name = "choice#1", value = "val1"}, {name = "choice#2", value = "val2"}}.

See option choice structure for more information on how to set a locale.

Returns true on success, otherwise false, err.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type Optional
id Message-ID-Resolvable

Deletes a previously sent response. If response id was not provided, original interaction response is deleted instead. If id was not provided, the initial interaction response is deleted instead.

Returns true on success, otherwise false, err.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean

editReply(content, id)

Parameter Type Optional
content table/string
id Message-ID-Resolvable

Modifies a previously sent interaction response. If id was not provided, the initial interaction response is edited instead.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Parameter Type Optional
id Message-ID-Resolvable

Fetches a previously sent interaction response. If id was not provided, the original interaction response is fetched instead.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: Message


Parameter Type
modal table

Responds to an interaction by opening a Modal, also known as Text Inputs. By default this method takes the raw structure defined by Discord but other extensions may also provide their own abstraction, see for example discordia-modals.

Returns true on success, otherwise false, err.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean

reply(content, isEphemeral)

Parameter Type Optional
content string/table
isEphemeral boolean

Sends an interaction reply. An initial response is sent on the first call, if an initial response has already been sent a followup message is sent instead. If the initial response was a deferred response, calling this will edit the deferred message.

Returns Message on success, otherwise nil, err. If was not available, true will be returned instead of Message.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: Message/boolean


Parameter Type Optional
isEphemeral boolean

Sends a deferred interaction reply. Deferred replies can only be sent as initial responses. A deferred reply displays "Bot is thinking..." to users, and once :reply is called again, the deferred message will be edited.

Returns Message on success, otherwise nil, err. If was not available, true will be returned instead of Message.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: Message/boolean


Parameter Type
content table/string

Responds to a component-based interaction by editing the message that the component is attached to.

Returns true on success, otherwise false, err.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean


Responds to a component-based interaction by acknowledging the interaction. Once update is called, the components message will be edited.

Returns true on success, otherwise false, err.

This method always makes an HTTP request.

Returns: boolean