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bug Lady edited this page Nov 20, 2019 · 35 revisions

noteworthy projects to be used in conjunction with BitMessage:

easy menu to install pyBm and bitboard (a bash script to run in xterm) in just 10 seconds for GNU-Linux is here and here . The latter link points to a censorship-free wiki. Unfortunately, some Bitmessage sites suffer from censorship beyond the control of BM admins and developers. python2-sip-pyqt4 may be required too (undetected by currently).

You can expose bitboard to the darkweb on an .onion-www-site using this single bash script, then you run a website like

easily modify pyBM in text mode (i.e. --curses mode): web interface, use BM via firefox, better than BitMessageForum web interface, bitboard is better though

use ThunderBird to read BM:

runs a localhost:12344 pop3-mailserver for BM so ThunderBird is being used to read & write BM besides the original GUI. The "claws" mail-app can be used too, which has nice a python plug-in to have claws scripted and modified.

puts everything in one huge INBOX initially. Use filters in ThuBi to separate the [chan]nels. bmaddr.lan

Gives you some more features, e.g. sort BM by size, which you cannot do in pyBM. No full threaded view, though. bidirectional e–mail gateway

  • combine with: bash script to deploy BM on a debian server as daemon

  • "Mail–in–a–Box" reliably sets up a mail server on Debian LTS, can be combined as well with above. Attackers can't tell the difference between real and fake messages. Noise strengthens anonymity on the network. noise bot is not cluttering regular channels like spam. Bitmessage Client for Android

spam filter and BM API

"mammoth" , a keys.dat file with 1000+ chans

a chan generator in python, archived here .

bash menu to use a one-time-pad additional encryption with BM: pyBM-sigoa