Json Doclet for Javadoc (Turn regular JavaDoc Comments into json using the javadoc
command and the Gson
Usually, javadoc creates crappy lil html files. With this, you get a JSON file for each class (including internal classes) with all the information you could possibly desire.
The JSON files are stored into a folder called "docs" in the same directory as the command is run, and they're all named in the same format as you would import them with json as the extension.
(ie: java.util.ArrayList.json
javadoc -doclet com.raidandfade.JsonDoclet.Main -docletpath json-jdoc.jar ...
You can either make an issue or a pull request and I'll get to it eventually.
Well you see, i have this wonderful API Endpoint at My Public Api. And I get my docs for all of Java's stdlib from there. You can do the same by following the instructions in STDDocs