This project is intended for UNIDA GONTOR (UNIVERSITY OF DARUSSALAM GONTOR) that applying AR Technology as a 3D map regarding to it's academic community's mobility.
This project's purpose is to give information about UNIDA GONTOR's area, building, important room and other important things to it's academic community.
This project developed in UNREAL ENGINE 4.26 based on Google ARCORE and all of 3D Assets made in BLender.
You can see it's video documentation here : (it documented by my fellow because iam not a documenter and i dont want it so dont expect more)
THIS PROJECT HAS COVERED ALL OF THE FUNCTION NEEDED, SO YOU COULD DEVELOP IT FURTHERMORE EASLY LIKE USING A TEMPLATE, GIVE IT A SHOT!! there're something to fix though but it's not crucial, but if you wanna fix it, fix it!
- Clone this repository to your PC
- Right Click "UNIDAAR1.uproject"
- Select "Switch UNREAL ENGINE Version"
- Select any UNREAL ENGINE Version you have on dropdown menu (select same version or hihgher is recomended)
- Open Epicgames Launcher
- Select UNREAL ENGINE tab
- You will find the project there, just double click the project
- Have fun!
*Developed with Unreal Engine 4.26