Personal portfolio of Ram Shankar
- Use imagekit or cloudinary to serve images
- Improve seo using google search console and microsoft webmaster tools
- NextJS
- TailwindCSS
- Framer Motion
- content-collections
- Syntax highlight using rehype-pretty-code which is a rehype plugin powered by shiki
- General Sans font from fontshare
- icons from and iconoir
- analytics from beam analytics
- Tailwind Color Palette Generator
alt={`React has evolved from a library to also provide an architecture for frameworks.`}
width={1456 / 2}
height={819 / 2}
<Bleed full>
alt={`React has evolved from a library to also provide an architecture for frameworks.`}
width={1456 / 2}
height={819 / 2}
Sometimes the build fails becuase of git cache issues. To fix this run the following command
git rm -r --cached .
git add .
git commit --allow-empty -m "Fixed git cache issues"
git push
Alternatively you can also delete the hooks
folder from .git