VOIP application code:
from zope.interface import implements, Interface
from twisted.python import log, components
from twisted.application import internet, service
from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, returnValue
from twisted.fats.service import FastAGIFactory, IFastAGIFactory, CallHandler
class HelloCallHandler(CallHandler):
"""My first call handler.
def startCall(self):
log.msg('Hello FastAGI logging system.')
# Answer the call.
df = self.agi.answer()
# Say number and stop call session
df.addCalback(lambda _: self.agi.sayNumber(666))
return df
Сервер Asterisk extensions.conf:
[fats-test] exten => 222,n,AGI(agi://localhost:9000)
Linux terminal:
$ twistd -ny fats-trunk/fats/examples/hello_agi.py
[-] Log opened.
[-] twistd 2.5.0+rUnknown (/usr/bin/python 2.5.1) starting up
[-] reactor class:
[-] __builtin__.HelloFastAGIFactoryFromService starting on 9000
[-] Starting factory <__builtin__.HelloFastAGIFactoryFromService instance at 0xb780580c>
[FastAGIProtocol,0,] Hello FastAGI logging system.
[FastAGIProtocol,0,] Send Command: 'ANSWER'
[FastAGIProtocol,0,] Send Command: "SAY NUMBER 666 ''"
[FastAGIProtocol,0,] SAY NUMBER:[0(), None(), None()]
[FastAGIProtocol,0,] Call handler result: SAY NUMBER:[0(), None(), None()]
[FastAGIProtocol,0,] Connection terminated to the FastAGI server 3077895596
Теперь осталось позвонить на номер 222!