My work for cs252 Lab6: HTML Project
Create a working Pixel-Art HTML5 site, with dynamic HTML, Database interaction, and a self-written server.
Server hosted on DigitalOcean, Domain "" acquired via NameCheap
Using: PymySQL
Final Result will be a HTML5 site allowing users to login, create accounts, and, once every minute, change the color of a single square("pixel") on a shared canvas. The intent is to promote internet-based cooperation and creativity in an ever-changing environment, inspired by the r/place experiment on reddit last April.
Code on this github: My copy of our server-side code, with the database description for reference. This code includes SQL interaction, and dynamic HTML posting to implement a simple username/password client, allowing users to create new accounts and log in to them via POST requests.
Code on other Githubs: Aaron's HTML, CSS, and JS is located on his own github, all other work is hosted on our digital ocean server at (Update: digital ocean server no longer up, live version of site can be provided upon request)