Welcome to the TBRB to RB2 repo.
Complete recreations of TBRB's setlist in Rock Band 2s midi/milo format. Included are hand recreated lipsyncing/venue/animations. Audio/MOGGs found in these packages are the closest we can get to using truly decrypted TBRB files.
Venues have camera cuts faithfully timed to the TBRB venue performances, when applicable. When dealing with dreamscapes, creative liberties are taken in most cases.
Lipsyncing actually pulls some data from TBRB's lipsyncing animations. (Namely the brow movements/eyes) The brow movements are pulled directly from TBRB. Mouth movements are still generated by either Magma or Onyx, which vary between some songs.
Hand animations follow as closely as can be with TBRB's hand animations. Chords and fingering are carefully reconstructed to match as close as can be, with the limited tools given in RB2/3's system.
Midis are left untouched aside from the aformentioned animation edits, so harmonies are included in these packages. DTA and metadata information is successfully transferred over from TBRB's dta.
Current song progress will be listed here on this splash page.
- Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
- Come Together
- Eight Days A Week
- Get Back
- Her Majesty
- Here Comes The Sun
- Hey Bulldog
- I Me Mine
- Michelle
- Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band/With a Little Help from My Friends
- Twist And Shout
- While My Guitar Gently Weeps
- Yellow Submarine