Here, I will practice my Javascript algorithms!
Inside all the folders, you will find a flowchart, a pseudocode, and the JS solution to the problem. All the solutions will be formatted to respect the Airbnb Javascript convention.
Most of the exercices are taken from codewars).
Warning : This repository can contain spoilers ! Don't forget to serach the solution by yourself.
Moreover, not all the solutions are refactored or improved yet!
- 01 : Looping a triangle
- 02 : FizzBuzz
- 03 : Chessboard
- 04 : Minimum
- 05 : Bean Counting
- 06 : Shorter concat [reverse longer]
- 07 : Vowel Count
- 08 : Debug Sum of Digits of a Number
- 09 : Grasshopper - Debug
- 10 : Regular Ball Super Ball
- 11 : Remove duplicates from list
- 12 : Capitalization and Mutability
- 13 : Find numbers which are divisible by given number
- 14 : FIXME: Get Full Name
- 15 : Find the position!
- 16 : Short Long Short
- 17 : Pythagorean Triple
- 18 : Online RPG : player to qualifying stage?
- 19 : Take the Derivative
- 20 : Playing with cubes II
- 21 : L1:Set Alarm
- 22 : Regexp Basics - Is it a digit?
- 23 : Compare with margin
- 24 : Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List
- 25 : Welcome to the City
- 26 : Freudian translator
- 27 : Fundamentals: Return
- 28 : Decibel Scale
- 29 : Simple Fun #1: Seats in Theater
- 30 : Holiday VIII - Duty Free
- 31 : No zeros for Heroes
- 32 : Dollars and Cents
- 33 : Find the integral
- 34 : For UFC Fans (Total Beginners): Conor McGregor vs George Saint Pierre
- 35 : Grasshopper : Order of operations
- 36 : ASCII total
- 37 : Contamination #1 -String-
- 38 : NBA full 48 minutes average
- 39 : Find the Slope
- 40 : Grader
- 41 : Simple Comparison?
- 42 : Polish Alphabet
- 43 : Evil or Odious ?
- 44 : ES6 string addition
- 45 : Type of sum
- 46 : The falling speed of petals
- 47 : Miles per gallon to kilometers per liter
- 48 : Leonardo Dicaprio and Oscars
- 49 : Name on billboard
- 50 : Thinkful - Number Drills: Blue and red marbles
- 51 : get ascii value of character
- 52 : Who ate the cookie?
- 53 : Get number from string
- 54 : Closest elevator
- 55 : Smallest unused ID
- 56 : Color Ghost
- 57 : Kata Example Twist
- 58 : Remove the time
- 59 : Find whether the shape is a cube
- 60 : validate code with simple regex
- 61 : Tip Calculator
- 62 : Are arrow functions odd?
- 63 : Who is going to pay for the wall?
- 64 : Find Nearest square number
- 65 : Sleigh Authentication
- 66 : Even or odd ?
- 67 : Opposite number
- 68 : Multiply
- 69 : Chuck Norris VII - True or False? (Beginner)
- 70 : Grasshopper - Combine strings
- 71 : Regex count lowercase letters
- 72 : Holiday VI - Shark Pontoon
- 73 : BASIC: Making Six Toast.
- 74 : Exclamation marks series #4: Remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string
- 75 : simple calculator
- 76 : USD => CNY
- 77 : Exclamation marks series #2: Remove all exclamation marks from the end of sentence
- 78 : Determine offspring sex based on genes XX and XY chromosomes
- 79 : L1: Bartender, drinks!
- 80 : How old will I be in 2099?
- 81 : Lario and Muigi Pipe Problem
- 82 : Exclusive "or" (xor) Logical Operator
- 83 : Exclamation marks series #11: Replace all vowel to exclamation mark in the sentence
- 84 : Get Nth Even Number
- 85 : Grasshopper - Terminal game move function
- 86 : Grasshopper - Messi goals function
- 87 : Beginner Series #2 Clock
- 88 : Hello Happy Codevarrior!
- 89 : Shifty Closures
- 90 : Max Headroom and JavaScript style
- 91 : Broken Counter
- 92 : A bugs trilogy: Episode 1 - "Let Math.Random(); decide your future"
- 93 : Return to Sanity
- 94 : Unexpected parsing
- 95 : Multiply the number
- 96 : Fix the Bugs (Syntax) - My First Kata
- 97 : Incorrect division method
- 98 : Fix your code before the garden dies!
- 99 : Is this my tail?
- 100 : String cleaning
- 101 : Triple Trouble
- 102 : Reversing Words in a String
- 103 : Generate range of integers
- 104 : Unfinished Loop - Bug Fixing #1
- 105 : Get Planet Name By ID
- 106 : Quarter of the year
- 107 : Beginner Series #4 Cockroach
- 108 : Do I get a bonus?
- 109 : Is n divisible by x and y?
- 110 : Push a hash/an object into array
- 111 : Add Length
- 112 : Find the Difference in Age between Oldest and Youngest Family Members
- 113 : SpeedCode #2 - Array Madness
- 114 : To square(root) or not to square(root)
- 115 : Enumerable Magic #1 - True for All?
- 116 : esreveR gnirtS
- 117 : A wolf in sheep's clothing
- 118 : Filling an array (part 1)
- 119 : altERnaTIng cAsE <=> ALTerNAtiNG CaSe
- 120 : Is the date today
- 121 : Points of Reflection
- 122 : Semi-Optional
- 123 : Template Strings
- 124 : Simple validation of a username with regex
- 125 : getNames()
- 126 : Exclamation marks series #1: Remove an exclamation mark from the end of string
- 127 : Hex to Decimal
- 128 : Hello, Name or World!
- 129 : get character from ASCII Value
- 130 : Student's Final Grade
- 131 : Reverse List Order
- 132 : What is between?
- 133 : Expressions Matter
- 134 : Sum without highest and lowest number
- 135 : If you can't sleep, just count sheep!!
- 136 : Transportation on vacation
- 137 : Surface Area and Volume of a Box
- 138 : UEFA EURO 2016
- 139 : Printing Array elements with Comma delimiters
- 140 : Swap Values
- 141 : Take an Arrow to the knee, Functionally
- 142 : Grasshopper - Array Mean
- 143 : 101 Dalmatians - squash the bugs, not the dogs!
- 144 : How many stairs will Suzuki climb in 20 years?
- 145 : Largest Elements
- 146 : Olympic Rings
- 147 : Grasshopper - Check for factor
- 148 : Correct the mistakes of the character recognition software
- 149 : Merge two sorted arrays into one
- 150 : Are they square?
- 151 : You're a square!
- 152 : Jaden Casing Strings
- 153 : Isograms
- 154 : Exes and Ohs
- 155 : List Filtering
- 156 : Descending Order
- 157 : Shortest Word
- 158 : Highest and Lowest
- 159 : Digit*Digit
- 160 : Pillars
- 161 : Reversed Words
- 162 : Grasshopper - Personalized Message