Implementation of simple corner balance (SCB) on both an source iteration (SI) and one cell inversion (OCI) scheme with time dependence. Numba acceleration used. Ability to compute spectral radius of either convergence method.
Integration tests and runs of interest with plots:
- Jupyeter notebook
- In this directory
- In this directory
- Python
- Numba
- Numpy
- Matplotlib
This work was supported by the Center for Exascale Monte-Carlo Neutron Transport (CEMeNT) a PSAAP-III project funded by the Department of Energy, grant number: DE-NA003967.
Everyone on the CeMENT Team but specifically: Jackson Morgan, Aaron Reynolds, Todd Palmer, Kyle Niemeyer, Ilham Variansyah, and Kayla Clements
This project started off of work done in NSE653: Advanced Particle Transport Program class at Ore. St. Unv. The name Therefore comes from linking words that the illustrious Todd S. Palmer hates, as he feels they are pretentious. Other words in this category include: Aforementioned, Thus, Hence, Wherefore, Whence etc. Please include these words in all work accordingly.